The Biker Who Rode For His Life Has Just Uploaded This Shocking 'How It Started' Video

Last night, we brought you shocking scenes of a biker who had to ride for his life. How it all started remained unclear, but now we can see that the driver was at fault!
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Yesterday, we showed you shocking footage of a biker who had to ride for his life after a bald-headed car driver was quite clearly intent on running him off the road and doing him some damage. This being the internet, people assumed that the biker must have done something to provoke the man (just take a look at the YouTube comments), but it turns out that the car driver was simply a short-tempered douchebag who was having a seriously bad day.

As you can see in the video, the biker pulls in front of the car at a set of traffic lights (this is legal in many areas, but not all). Clearly not happy with the biker’s decision to do so, the driver pulls away from the lights hard, giving little room to the man on two wheels. The biker then races off down the road (at well over 100mph), and when the pair meet again at the next intersection, that’s where the aggression really kicks off. The man on the bike gives the driver the finger, the driver vomits some bad words and then, which is the real turning point, the biker smacks the guy’s mirror. That’s where things turn nasty and is the result of the shocking footage you watched last night:

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So in conclusion: The driver is the main party at fault, but the biker did himself no favours in hitting the man’s car. Sometimes (actually always), it’s better to avoid confrontation and simply ride to the nearest cop shop. After all, this biker had all the footage he needed to ensure that the driver got what he deserved. What do you guys make of these events in light of this newly-released footage?

Thanks to CTzen Lucas Thezolin for the info and video footage (the biker is his mechanic).

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I know it’s hard to say that from the distance behind your keyboard, but the best thing would have been to just let the idiot drive off. I sometimes rage over situations like these myself, but you won’t change things for the better if you get to the same level of aggression as your fellow d!ckhead.

04/06/2016 - 14:10 |
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Main reason this guy got mad was not because of the mirror. This was in Florida, where lane splitting is illegal (only in CA is it legal in US). Thus, to this Florida driver, he probably viewed this the same as running a red or passing on the shoulder. Not saying he didn’t overreact (dude is from FLORIDA), but the guy on the bike was being a moron (coincidently also from Florida lol)

04/06/2016 - 14:16 |
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lane splitting is also illegal here in South Africa, though the public seems to agree that it is a stupid law. I.O.W. bikes that do lane splitting here is well tolerated, even by the police, even if there is no space between the cars, some of us would politely give the biker some space if he asks nicely.

04/06/2016 - 14:30 |
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in my opinion, when he cut off the driver at the beginning, he shouldve known anyone would be a little annoyed by that, when fusion decided to try and re cut him off he shouldve backed off because the fusion obviously is looking to start something, not go ahead and smack the guys car, the whole thing couldve been avoided

04/06/2016 - 14:16 |
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To be honest here, coming from my own opinion, at this point I wouldn’t even keep running I’d just get off my bike and knock him the f**k out, I mean come on, the riders in what looks to be full gear, and if the guy in the car would have hit the biker in the face it would probably break his fingers. At this point I almost feel it would be necessary rather than putting other people at risk.

Again, just my two cents

04/06/2016 - 14:25 |
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He, doesnt look in full gear judging from his bare arms

04/06/2016 - 18:37 |
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For me, who lives in Venezuela, swarmed by bikers, that shouldn’t be called bikers at all, I defend the biker on the video, before the confrontation, he was going politely through the cars to get to the front not bumping anybody and doing his business. For me, who drives a car, I find acceptable his behavior as a biker. For the driver on the red Ford sedan, you sir represent a disgrace for all automotive drivers.

04/06/2016 - 14:29 |
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i would just kick his phone out of his hand

04/06/2016 - 14:31 |
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one question: how slow is that bike? cuz any normal fast bike should easily be capable of outrunning a Ford Fusion.

04/06/2016 - 14:39 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

probably a smaller cc bike 125 or 250

04/06/2016 - 15:08 |
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the car driver was at fault, but no one can argue that the biker its an a**hole…

04/06/2016 - 14:40 |
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This is the kinda stuff you expect to see on GTA 5 Online, not on public roads, hope that lunatic driver got everything he deserved, it could easily be seen as attempted murder, knocking someone off their bike or even driving over them could kill the rider, and he was clearly trying to knock the guy off his bike.

Of course the biker definitely did wrong too, like hitting his car, and driving in oncoming traffic (in attempt to escape this maniac, mind you)
But the comment the rider leaves on the video explains why he did those things.

04/06/2016 - 14:44 |
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Fastest Ford I have ever seen.

04/06/2016 - 14:45 |
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