A Biker Who Was Rear-Ended, Then Kicked In The Chest By A Bad Cop Has Received $180,000 Damages
When a state trooper caught up with a biker who was overtaking in no-passing zones, he rammed the guy off his bike, then kicked him in the chest, breaking his collar bone. The biker has now been awarded $180k in damages
Promoted … promoted? … why?
Why the hell would he get promoted to captain after this??!!
Fcking Promoted?!! Are you shtting me?!
What a fucing dck, typical too-much-power-hot-head officer. Deserves to be kicked off the force for that type of behavior!
I’m actually from Oregon about 3 hours south of Eugene and there are a lot of cops here that are assholes a friend of mine got a speeding ticket for going 68 mph in a 65 on the freeway
Promoted to captain what the f*ck? This guy should be fired on the spot. Under no circumstances is a cop allowed to kick or draw a gun on an unarmed person.
Murican cops at their finest…
ALL the cops I have met here in Oregon are very professional and nothing like this guy. In fact I have been pulled over on at least three occasions since I moved here and still have not gotten a ticket.
American cops = is terrorists.