Biker Wiped Out And Left Clinging To Back Of Car In Scary Crash
This scary incident happened on a Los Angeles freeway, when a Toyota Camry driver decided to perform an utterly stupid lane change.
He’s seen illegally crossing a solid yellow line into the high-occupancy vehicle lane - moving over two lanes in the process - right into the path of the biker. There’s no time to stop, so the biker ploughs into the back of the Toyota, at which point he dismounts and ends up clinging to the boot of the car.
Incredibly, the Toyota driver doesn’t pull up immediately: he comes to a halt slowly, and only after the biker hits the rear windscreen several times while shouting for him to stop. Once the biker has a chance to make his feelings known to the driver - who doesn’t seem terribly bothered by the unfortunate proceedings - we see a phone sitting on the man’s lap.
Does that have something to do with his inattentive driving style, perhaps?
Via Reddit Roadcam
He’s the real T1000
That’s exactly what I noticed - the phone. Dumbass, looks like high on weed too.
Stoned AF.
That’s pretty justified grounds to rip that dude from his car and paint the divider barrier with his facemeat.
That kid was clearly so high, he was on the phone with air traffic control.
Guy looks stoned
Europeans on behalf of america i am deeply sorry that our country gives anyone a license to drive a car.
I understand that your judgment is a bit off when youre scared and its in surprise… but couldn’t he have swerved around him? Or braked a little sooner and harder? He didnt until quite late so it seems like he could have avoided it
Same thing happened to my dad, except he got swiped into the center divider on his bike. Ended up losing a quad in his leg and it’s reasons like this why my parents will never let me buy a bike