A Brief Rant About Homophobia In The Car Community

Last month, during the celebration of Pride Month, my hometown decided to paint a few downtown crosswalks in the colours of the Pride flag. It was supposed to be a symbol of support and solidarity towards the LGBTQ+ community.

A Brief Rant About Homophobia In The Car Community

Last month, during the celebration of Pride Month, my hometown decided to paint a few downtown crosswalks in the colours of the Pride flag. It was supposed to be a symbol of support and solidarity towards the LGBTQ+ community. But, thanks to one misguided individual, it ended up putting a literal black mark on the reputation of the car community.

Simply put, someone did a burnout on the painted crosswalk and left tire marks all over it. Although the kid that did this didn’t know that the rainbow crosswalk was a symbol of Pride, it was seen as an act of hatred towards the LGBTQ2+ community. Since the population at large tends to associate burnouts with car enthusiasts, this gave local petrolheads a bad name for quite some time.

A Brief Rant About Homophobia In The Car Community

I’d like to say that it was an isolated incident, but it isn’t. In fact, these acts of vandalism have occurred across the world with much more malicious intent. Obviously, this is not representative of the majority of people within the car community. Yet, it’s not the only way in which petrolheads have been associated with homophobia.

A Brief Rant About Homophobia In The Car Community

It’s no secret that a few superstars of the car world have made statements that many in the LGBTQ2+ community have taken objection to. Whether it be the above prank played on Jeremy Clarkson while he slept on an airplane, or Richard Hammond’s confusing statement of avoiding ice cream because he wasn’t gay, some of the world’s most popular car enthusiasts have made comments that could be interpreted as homophobic.

I’m not trying to be self-righteous, but I am disappointed with the amount of homophobia that I have experienced within the car community. I’ve really noticed this after buying my NA MX-5, as if someone thought that it would be an insult to call me gay because I drive a Miata. In fact, it’s common for people to express contempt towards certain vehicles (and their owners) by trying to attach them to homosexuality.

Sometimes, the hate is even more blatant. On many occasions, I have been told by car fans that they do not feel comfortable with being a part of the car community because of their sexuality. These people don’t make a dog-and-pony show of their orientation, but are legitimately fearful for the safety of themselves and their cars should they ever be outed at a car meet.

A Brief Rant About Homophobia In The Car Community

At Car Throttle, we have made it very clear that homophobia will not be tolerated in our community. It is my personal view that everyone should be able to feel safe in the car community, both online and at the local Cars and Coffee. I don’t care what car you drive, what colour your skin is, what your gender is, or who you want to love. Everyone deserves the chance to be welcomed, accepted, and respected. We’re all friends because we share a common interest—cars. We are not a community of jerks and bigots, and we need to make sure that the rest of the world sees us in that same way.

So here’s something that I think we can all do to make a real difference to both the automotive and LGBTQ2+ communities. Before you show up to the car meet or log on to an online forum, leave your prejudices at the door. Leave all the hate there, too. It’s as simple as treating everyone with respect. If you’re like me, the car community is more than just a group of people who like cars. It’s a group of people who share a common understanding and a way of life. Many of us know what it’s like to be alienated, for one reason or another, and it’s not very fun. Let’s do our best to make sure that no other petrolhead feels that way.

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07/28/2017 - 01:39 |
0 | 0

In reply to by [Flux]

Hey Flux

07/28/2017 - 01:49 |
2 | 0

Oh my god. This should be editor’s pick imo.

07/28/2017 - 02:39 |
16 | 16

In my culture, you simply have to be homophobic or your parents will disown you, (no offense to anyone) but in the car community, I just keep my mouth shut, I respect everyone’s opinion and how they want to be oriented. If you don’t like Homosexual people just keep your mouth shut. It took them a lot of courage to come out and tell everybody, don’t criticise them. People want to be themselves. Thanks for writing this post, Kyle.

07/28/2017 - 01:40 |
58 | 4
Mazda Fanatic

Heres my opinion, many might not agree but here it goes. I don’t have a problem with someone who is gay , straight , trans, etc… but I do have a problem when the person makes any act that they disagree with out to be an attack on their “community “. We live in a generation that is offended by absolutely everything and feels entiled to special treatment just because they “feel” a certain way. Another problem is with people who “identify “ with a group because it makes absolutely no sense, where do we draw the line? Can someone who is 25 identify as 70 and receive the benefits that come with it? This is the same thing with the TWO genders. Can a guy who identifies as a girl compete in female sports? People should stop playing the victim, toughen up and just go on with their lives. Stop making everything out to be something it isn’t. So someone did a burnout on a crosswalk, who cares? There are more important things to focus on in the world then some special snowflakes who feel offended

07/28/2017 - 02:03 |
690 | 24

I agree with you BUT the burnout thing. That is very disrespectful to me.

07/28/2017 - 02:10 |
10 | 52

I think LGBT people should be treated as normal people and not given any disadvantages nor advantages over Heterosexual people. Some people separate them which is the wrong thing to do if we want equality. Sexual orientation should not change how someone is treated nor how they identify as. Also transgender people show have their own category in my opinion if we want sports to be fair.

07/28/2017 - 02:13 |
194 | 2

slowly claps and vigerously nods head in total agreement
Could not agree more with every single point.

07/28/2017 - 04:54 |
56 | 2

Couldn’t agree more
As much as I support equality, we should draw a line and not be ridiculous

07/28/2017 - 07:28 |
16 | 0

Congratulations. You win the award for most sensible person on the planet this morning.

I myself am not straight (shock horror, a Beer Bro with a Mustang isn’t a slice of ‘wonder bread’, as the yanks seem to call it). But because of special snowflake syndrome, as well as the bizarre ‘entry requirements’ to LGBT communities (I’ve been told I’m not gay enough), as well as being more conservative with my sexuality (I’m of the mind that sex is entirely private business and nothing more) I actually avoid the communities and pride itself.

These are the same types of people who, and I wish I was f*ing kidding, told my friend Alvaro that he shouldn’t speak Spanish because its cultural appropriation. He’s Peruvian. He is so Latino he dispenses lime juice. But because he has pale skin, he isn’t a ‘true latino’.

Screw the rainbow flag and these easily offended imbeciles and hold my beer; its time to offend some neon haired college students.

07/28/2017 - 08:10 |
146 | 6
Josh Mott (Prelude Squad)

My state government is currently debating the topic of same sex marriage. Personally I hope it gets approved, not because I am gay, but because I feel that people should feel free in their own skin and not feel as though they are being judged by others.

07/28/2017 - 02:10 |
6 | 2

what does the 2+ mean?

07/28/2017 - 02:14 |
6 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I think like etcetera, anything else they identify as

07/28/2017 - 02:15 |
0 | 0
David 27

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

google it, it is very hard to explain. more sexualities and genders hidden, the word would have been too long for everything

07/28/2017 - 02:15 |
2 | 18

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

probably reffered to more than 2 genders.
Q for Queer
I for intersexual
A for Asexual

I usually just write LGBT+ instead of anything longer, since more people tend to understand that rather than LGBTQIA+

07/28/2017 - 10:35 |
0 | 0

Whilst I am not homosexual myself, I have full respect for those who are and especially those who are open about it. It takes a lot of courage to come out in the world we live in today, making fun of somebody for simply who they are is both immature and stupid.

07/28/2017 - 02:18 |
14 | 4
David 27

Just read through the thing. First of all I agree with it. Although I support LGBT (hell, I am dating a Transsexual person myself) I can not get behind the Q+ behind that. I draw my line of respect there, but I do not harass anyone there. Another thing I really dislike about it that somehow somewhere gets offended about something and needs to shove it up someones face. I get it, you take pride of your sexuality, but there is a line. In my eyes it is disrespecting me up to insulting me. Sadly people define through sexuality and seperate them. I smell 1941 all over again with that. Maybe a harsh comparison, though I think “it” is steering into that direction. A lot of people who hate LGBT are very uninformed.

07/28/2017 - 02:37 |
22 | 6

Whats sad is the reverse is becoming true now as well. Its almost like no matter what you do or are its wrong or offensive to someone. Pretty hypocritical coming from people who say they want tolerance and equality…

07/28/2017 - 04:56 |
32 | 2

Amen. This post has so much meaning. Thank you Kyle. Inb4 some homophobic user comes on this post and h8s all over it…

07/28/2017 - 02:41 |
8 | 18


07/28/2017 - 02:41 |
4 | 2
David 27

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Bad excuse. Religion and Christianity should not produce hate. It’s group pressure. Christianity teaches you to love all kinds of people and care for them.

07/28/2017 - 02:46 |
6 | 6
Seth 3

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Being a Christian means youre supposed to love everyone.

07/28/2017 - 02:52 |
18 | 0