Can You Spot The Correct Spelling For These Aftermarket Tuning Companies?
There are hundreds of tuning companies around the world that are willing to modify your car in a multitude of ways, and very often they have incredibly complex names... can you pick out the correct spellings among the imposters?
7/11 … whathaveyoudoneSory 😂😂
It’s good
That Kreisech one, or whatever it’s called, never even heard of it
81 % correct, and I haven’t heard of 81% of those tuning companies..
I did 9/11.. Oh sh-
36% isn’t bad if you haven’t heard of 80% of of those companies.
What’s the difference between choice one and two
Two letters
[qzzr quiz=’161208’ width=’100%’ height=’auto’ redirect=’true’ offset=’0’]
Half of these I wish I could’ve answered “ohgodwhathavetheydonesory”