Canadian Police Thought This Snow Sculpture Was A Real Supra

Montreal man Simon Laprise is clearly someone who thinks snow men are just a bit mainstream. Why? Because he decided to instead use the Canadian city’s abundance of snow to create a 1:1 scale sculpture that we’re guessing is supposed to be a Mk3 Toyota Supra.
The machinist - who dabbles in creative projects in his free time - happened to find an old windscreen wiper lying on the ground nearby, which he added to the snow Supra as a final touch. It’s perhaps this little detail that tricked local police into pulling over to ticket what they thought was an illegally parked car.
Joue dans la neige !,J'espère jouer un tour au déneigeurs cette nuit :P Playing in the snow !,I hope to prank the snow removal guys tonight :P
Posted by L.S.D Laprise Simon Designs on Sunday, January 14, 2018
The cops did end up leaving a citation, although it merely read (when translated) “You made our night! Hahahaha!” The force shared the photos of the car on social media, which quickly went viral.
Unsurprisingly, Laprise has been bombarded with messages of appreciation and photos of the car from members of the public. And the fate of the snow Supra? It’s long gone, I’m afraid - the awesome creation since been cleared away by the local authorities.
Melt In Peace, you snowy mound of awesomeness.
Source: Vice
Day 5 and they still think i am a car
Great advertisement for him too
Why snow supra
Cool supra
Ah yes, only in Canada do you pull a prank on a police officer and he’ll have a laugh. :P
Technically it wasn’t a prank but it was still awesome.
but its in france
Haha cool!👍👍👍😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ahh Québec, never change
but… who did he write the ticket out to?
It was actually supposed to be a Delorean, from what i read in the news article…