This Car Flips With A Roll Cage Held Together By Tape...And Survives
Watch this car survive a massive crash using a roll cage connected by tape
Watch as this manly Redneck shows us the power of tape with as extreme a test possible. Jumping a car into a quarry with a roll cage held together by duct tape, the test is then repeated using ‘FiberFix’, a resin-based tape that is apparently 100 times stronger than normal household duct tape.
The car miraculously survives the fall using the strengthened tape and lives to fight another day!
After MCM’s tutorial on roll cage installation, it seems that the Redneck community have very much their own way of doing things. But for the record, Car Throttle do not endorse tape as a genuine roll cage-mating adhesive…
I can’t see the FIA approving this.
Now all we need is someone to build a car with all the panels held on with zipties
“A manly man doesn’t want to spend his Saturday at a store”
If getting excited about going to hardware stores on a saturday and looking at all the tools and equiptment makes me a sissy, then so be it.
i think that’s the one of the few objections such as cars and guns
Legend says that the insulation is actually made of FiberFix
oh,look at that.good for them.i remember the guys behind this being on shark tank
To be honest even if this was fake I’d buy it as that is the single great advert for anything I’ve ever seen!
Used it on my friends exhaust that was hanging in two pieces, worked great
So now carmakers need to make factory rollcage using FiberFix. Okay.
This screams murica so loud 😂😂😂
It can’t fix women still :P