Chris Harris, Sabine Schmitz and David Coulthard 'Confirmed' As Top Gear Hosts

After a very difficult gestation period it appears that the new version of Top Gear might not be as bad as many critics have made out. The Sun has reported that after much deliberation, Chris Evans has picked Chris Harris, David Coulthard and German racing driver Sabine Schmitz to join him as the show’s new hosts.
This decision hasn’t come easy, with The Sun reporting that this choice led to executive producer Lisa Clark (the replacement for Andy Wilman) and script editor Tom Ford leaving the show. A source for The Sun said that Lisa’s departure had “been a real shock” and caused “a lot of upheaval” within the production team.

Although the press has reported that Harris and Schmitz are complete ‘unknowns’, we know just how good this show could really be. It’s hard to predict just how the new hosts will interact on camera, but with this level of talent and online support, new Top Gear could be a force to be reckoned with!
So, is the announcement of three new incredible hosts enough to convince you to tune into the new show? Let us know!
Nobody can replace Jeremy Clarkson and his sarcastic comments and thooughts
crying in corner
I like Chris Harris and that’s it.
Chris Harris is already an established journalist and David Coulthard raced in F1 so this helps the show a lot
Nooooooo fking way
only excited for Chris them two can go home
I think Chris Evans should be given a chance. He’s really not that bad. TFI Friday and Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush were presented by him and were pretty entertaining. I’m rather impressed with these new additions although if DC is doing Top Gear then he’s not going to be moving to Channel 4 to continue presenting the F1 next year. I kinda had my hopes up.
Soo all that “You could be the next Top Gear host.” Was all BS? THEY ARE ALL WELL KNOWN!
It wont be the same
Yasss Chris Harris
Oh god yes ! I love Sabine Schmitz’s heavy german accent YAY !I don’t mind have the two blockes hanging around :)