Christmas Holiday Open Thread: What Car-Related Presents Did You Get?

Merry Christmas from everyone at Car Throttle! We hope you’ve had as good a 2014 as we have and that you’re looking forward to a prosperous 2015. We sure are!

On a day like today, we know exactly how you’re feeling; the presents are open and your family is by your side, but the only thing you can think of is: ‘When can I sneak out for a drive? I wonder if they’ll mind if I go online for a few minutes. Is it OK if I play GTA before Christmas lunch?’
With this in mind, I’m starting an open thread to see what everyone is doing today (well done for sneaking online already!). Did you get a particularly cool car-related present this year? Or was it so bad that you need to tell us? Are you planning to go for a drive while the roads are completely empty?
Let me know your plan, and to one and all again, ‘Muri Driftmas!
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