Clarkson Blasts The BBC As He Talks About "My Worst Year"

It’s just over a year since that punch happened, leading to Jeremy Clarkson being ousted from Top Gear, and you’d be forgiven for thinking it all worked out well for the man. After all, he and his cohorts Richard Hammond and James May have been signed up by Amazon Prime to produce a new motoring show with a much larger budget, considerably better pay and a less meddlesome environment to work in.
But, that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a difficult year for the 55-year-old, and not just because he had to wave goodbye to what he referred to as his “baby” - Top Gear - which had been carefully crafted by himself and producer Andy Wilman ever since the pair relaunched the show in 2001. In an interview with The Times Magazine, Clarkson said: “In one year I lost my mother, my house, my job. How do you think I f***ing felt?”
Clarkson goes on to heavily criticise the BBC regarding the way the organisation acted immediately after her death. He learned of Shirley Clarkson’s death just before doing a live show in front of 15,000 people, and right in the middle of the BBC’s inquiry into the ‘Slope’ controversy.. “Let’s say they were very unhelpful….I said, ‘My mother’s just died. Please leave me alone.’ But they wouldn’t. And it was bad. We were doing the TV show and the live shows, and three newspaper columns a week and endless investigations into whether or not we’d said this or done that or whether or not my hair was straight or my teeth were cleaned.”
Looks pretty racist to me.
— Jeremy Clarkson (@JeremyClarkson) March 30, 2014
Regarding the whole ‘slope’ saga, sparked by Clarkson saying during one episode “that is a proud moment, but there’s a slope on it,” as an Asian man walked across the bridge they’d just built, he commented: “I genuinely don’t think it was bad. It was built up to be a huge thing. We don’t mind being called ‘roast beef’. The Aussies call us Nigel, a lot. Or Poms. We call the French ‘frogs’.”
Clarkson also spoke about his difficult relationship with the BBC director of television at the time of his ‘dismissal’ - Danny Cohen. “Danny and I were, and I suspect will remain for ever, very far apart on every single thing….I wasn’t sacked. What was it? Oh yes, they ‘didn’t renew my contract’. I was sacked.”
Regarding the re-launching of the show he was forced to leave behind - due to be hosted by Chris Evans and a new team of presenters - he doesn’t have much to say, other than: “nobody says, ‘What? Someone’s doing another cookery programme?’ Why shouldn’t there be more than one car programme?”
Guess the “new” Topgear wouldn’t as success as the “old” program. Is it really the whole TG creation was Clarkson’s idea?
The new version yes. Was his and Any Wilman’s idea.
Shame, poor clarkson.
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I feel sorry for Clarkson
Never really felt for Clarkson until now, no matter how much money he makes now he has still lost things you can’t put a price on. But anyway, if I was Asian I’d probably just laugh at the wit, it’s what TopGear does. Just the way they made the Aussie TopGear cast ride in a prison van to make them feel more at home, I thought it was funny. Banter isn’t meant to be offensive.
What was quite funny was it was a failed bollywood actress who brought up the slope thing to have her 5 minutes in the spotlight
I don’t know why people still think he means that seriously. He says such things about everybody, even Brits and himself.6
Really though. If black people make jokes about white people I really don’t care. Let them make jokes about white people. We’ll make some jokes about black people and we can all be mates.
“if I was Asian I’d probably just laugh at the wit”
Well too bad the Argentinian didn’t do that.
I’m pretty sure most of the people Asian or not who Watched it found it funny it’s just the ever so slightly “right wing” BBC who decided that it wasn’t funny, seriously I mean who takes Clarkson seriously
I really wish Clarkson the best of luck. We all know how tough life can be sometimes.
where can I find the whole interview without being suscribed to the magazine?
Not related to this in any way but what happened? Why did you delete all your posts and whats with the Flappy Paddle? Did i miss something.
If you’ve ever read ‘the man in the white suit’ you’ll probably have felt sorry for him well before this interview.
All the Clarkson haters and people that wanted him sacked and fined everytime he said something funny are nothing short of bullies, They dont like his opinions on a car programme that they dont have to watch so they wanted him ruined,they want him off the air, like what he says matters, They picked and picked at him and when he finally lashes out then everyone is looking at him like he,s some sort of maniac who beats people up everytime he doesnt get steak for dinner, Never mind the fact his mother had just died and he was told he probably has cancer, Its the core of whats wrong with the world nowdays, sad bitter people that want to live in a world where we do what we,re told or else. and the BBC has to be the most crooked organisation on the planet, covering up several cases of Pedophilia with the taxpayers money and they say Clarkson went too far! for christ sake, How is the bbc even still a thing??
My Facebook had a quite a lot of Clarkson haters; they were mostly SJWs and people who wanted to feel that they were more “progressive” and more “intellectual” than their peers. It was quite ironic because when one of our uni friends got punched (undeservedly) in a pub fracas, they were making jokes about the incident.
wait, what happened to his house?
I think his wife divorced him and took his house. Don’t quote me on it though
How did he lose his house??