This Compulsive Stunt Driver Definitely Fails The Grand Tour's Driver Auditions

With a regular slot on The Grand Tour on the line, the action is hotting up in Clarkson, Hammond and May's 'auditions' courtesy of a professional stunt driver
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As we expected when the first video came out last week, The Grand Tour’s ‘driver wanted’ audition joke is an ongoing thing. There’s new fat to chew.

This time the recovering Hammond has brought along a mystery stunt driver. He’s unknown, skilled and fearless, the Hamster argues, making him perfect for the job. Cue the audition at the Eboladrome, where our mystery driver takes off in a red Renault Sport Clio 197.

This Compulsive Stunt Driver Definitely Fails The Grand Tour's Driver Auditions

Of course, anyone who’s seen enough cars get crashed and/or blown up in British TV knows that budgets generally don’t permit the wrecking of expensive ones. Even with Amazon’s blank cheque. As such, alarm bells are ringing over the old Clio.

Sure enough, the stunt man doesn’t take too long to revert to what he knows best, driving up and over a conveniently placed car transporter before flopping kind of anti-climatically into a mock portable office building that’s no doubt filled with cardboard. Worthy of a giggle, at the very least. The search for a new driver continues!

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Norton Martins

Since when would a FWD be a stunt driver pally ? If the guy was auditioning for “joke race car” maybe he would get a spot.

11/24/2017 - 13:13 |
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