This Container Ship Collision Dumped Brand New Cars Into The Sea

A heavily-laden container ship was attempting to dock in Karachi when its stern end hit a stationary ship, pushing 21 metal crates containing new cars into the sea
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Two cargo ships have collided in a major Pakistani port, dumping containers carrying brand new imported cars into the sea.

It’s not clear what caused the Tolten to crash into the Hamburg Bay earlier this week, while the former was trying to dock at Karachi’s major industrial port, but the net result was damage to both ships and the loss of 21 containers, pushed into the water by the stationary Hamburg Bay’s bow.

The containers can clearly be seen in the sea, some floating out towards open water while others mournfully start to sink. Meanwhile, the dock workers simply stand by and watch the action, apparently in blind indifference to the mayhem. There might not have been a lot they could physically do to stop the containers falling, but surely there’d be contingencies to get started on…

The port has apparently been closed while the clean-up and salvage operations do what needs to be done.

So yeah, err, anyway. If you’re on the South Asian subcontinent and you’ve just taken a phone call explaining that your new car’s delivery will be delayed, now you know why…

Video via Jalopnik

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Noah Thorley Images

I hope they were all Eclispe Crossovers

03/23/2018 - 10:46 |
442 | 6

I’m actually most interested which cars were inside…
Although I’ll be sad either way: if it is nice cars, then it’s a tragic loss, if it is eclipse crossovers, then I wish it was more than 21 containers

03/23/2018 - 11:20 |
168 | 4

or the toyota prius..

03/24/2018 - 01:18 |
14 | 2

god damn it… its split/second all over again!

03/23/2018 - 10:49 |
18 | 0
03/23/2018 - 11:17 |
2 | 0
ashley hafstad-Mcloughlin


03/23/2018 - 11:07 |
0 | 0
Burnout🔰(Rotary Fighter)(SaveCT)

I wonder what cars were in those containers…

03/23/2018 - 11:13 |
18 | 0

4 containers were carrying brand new land cruisers is what I’ve heard

03/23/2018 - 19:57 |
6 | 2
SAVAGE DOGG (Ping-Pong Gang) (Corvette Squad)

Was this guy the captain?

03/23/2018 - 11:17 |
132 | 0
ThatMercFan🅱️oi (EDM ftw) (Likes Aventadors) (O

In reply to by SAVAGE DOGG (P…

E A U U G G H H ! ?
-EG6 boi

03/23/2018 - 16:45 |
14 | 0


03/23/2018 - 17:06 |
30 | 0
Ranbir Singh

Well someone had a bad day at work.

03/23/2018 - 11:19 |
14 | 0
Doctor Porsche

I wish they were Prius in there

03/23/2018 - 11:27 |
10 | 10

So the batteries corrode and damage the eco system? Thats a pretty stupid thing to say.

03/23/2018 - 12:40 |
2 | 2

Its offcial mate, crossovers are the new prius. People hate them for no reason when in reality the market loves them and they are great from am average drivers perspective.

03/23/2018 - 13:56 |
8 | 8

Someone’s definitely getting fired

03/23/2018 - 12:16 |
10 | 0
nobody 1

Nice moment for a scuba diving lesson.

03/23/2018 - 12:19 |
12 | 0

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