This Cop Pepper Sprayed A Load Of Passing Bikers For No Apparent Reason

In this shocking video, an officer of Fort Worth Police appears to be misting a group of passing motorbikes with pepper spray

During the big ride today we had a law enforcement officer, that looked as if he was pulling over a truck, stepped out of his vehicle with mace in hand and began spraying it towards the riders with intention of causing an accident!!! This is a video EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH!! Law enforcement is here to protect and serve, not intentionally try to harm others... Please, share this video with others to raise awareness about these particular behavior's being displayed by many of our local law enforcement employees.***THIS WAS BEYOND DANGEROUS***East Texas HeatFor licensing and usage, contact:

Posted by Chase Stone on Monday, 14 March 2016

With all of the motorcyclists appearing to be riding quite sensibly, we’ve no idea what the officer’s motives were here. And even if any weren’t riding sensibly, I’m sure we don’t have to explain why misting a rider with pepper spray is an utterly moronic idea.

According to Lane Splitter, police say they’ve handed the footage to internal affairs for further investigation.

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Nick Denton

Spoiler alert! The cop misses

03/15/2016 - 17:40 |
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Johan Ruz

bike repellent spray. one spray a day keeps the bikes away

03/15/2016 - 23:31 |
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I think he did it cuz of the distance between them (Officer and bikers).

03/16/2016 - 00:13 |
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I think he actually sprayed himself due to wind. lol

03/16/2016 - 00:48 |
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Miguel 2

Call me a jerk, but part of me wished one of the bikers went wibbly-wobbly and rammed into the cop.

03/16/2016 - 02:35 |
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Irimescu Vasile

they should all just stop and beat the sh*t out of him. who cares if he is a cop? he is still a human with a badge and a gun big deal.

03/16/2016 - 05:51 |
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The Retro Guy

But, luckily the motorcyclists use helmets

03/17/2016 - 13:05 |
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