Council Admits Its 20mph Zones Make Roads More Dangerous
When Bath and North East Somerset Council introduced 13 new 20mph zones at a cost of £871,000, the idea was that roads would get safer. But, it seems the changes have had the opposite effect.
A report has shown that in seven out of the 13 zones, deaths and serious injuries went up, not down, in the 12 months following their implementation.
“There is no simple explanation for this adverse trend but it could be that local people perceive the area to be safer due to the presence of the 20mph restrictions and thus are less diligent when walking and crossing roads, cycling or otherwise travelling,” the council’s report states. The review also notes that this trend does appear to be nationwide one. The results are “reflective of the national situation,” it says.

So the 20mph zones are going to go, right? You’d think so, given that the report concludes that there’s “little in the way of persuasive argument for continuing the programme in the future.” But no: the council apparently doesn’t have the cash to remove them.
The Telegraph quotes the council’s deputy leader Patrick Anketell-Jones as saying: “It has cost over £800,000 to roll out the 20mph zone and it would probably cost the same to reverse them…We just haven’t got the money. I’m pretty sure the 20mph zones will stay in place for the foreseeable future.”
And people like to believe that “slower is safer” lol
Jeremy Clarkson once said
“Driving fast doesnt kill you. Its when you stop. That’s what gets you
Indeed. IMO, There’s a higher chance for you to miss something such as a pedestrian crossing onto a road because you’re constantly scanning around you. It takes more concentration to cover the same distance if you will. Plus, 30 is the most common speed in built up areas, so therefore you naturally adapt your driving for that usual speed.
Problem solved
20? Lets just reintroduce horses with wagons….
They’d probably be too fast tho
Speed is key
In India only people following speed limits are the people whose vehicles are incapable (Tuktuk) of doing so.
The reasoning makes sense cause my parents always get pissed when pedestrians do something stupid
Anyone with a decent bicycle cracks twenty easy.
Imagine all the cyclists getting speeding tickets on steep downhills!
My guess is that many people become less focused on the driving when they are going so slow.
WTF is it with UK and its shiiiity laws. Makes me wonder why people live there FFS.
Each council manages their own streets and there are a lot (like 400+) of councils in UK who each get different funding. Nothing to do with “uk and its shiiiity laws”.
How does it cost nearly NINE….. HUNDRED…..grand to send someone out to change a few signs? The people responsible should be lynched for crimes against the people!
Politics’ pockets right now…
Our “slow zones” are about 80-100kmh 😂😂😂
Gongrats,in belgium previous year it changed alot..
90km/h > 70khm/h (90% of roads)
And this are the ‘fast’ roads.. except for highways