The Debut Of Top Gear America Is Just A Month Away

There’s just a month before Top Gear America launches a new series, featuring Top Gear Magazine’s Tom Ford and some bloke called William Fichtner.
We kid; actor Fichnter is well known for his parts in The Dark Knight, Black Hawk Down, Armageddon and Prison Break, plus a load more besides. Along with “Wookie” Ford and Top Fuel drag racer Antron Brown, Fichtner is bringing a whole new style to TG America. One that feels, going by the first trailer, at least, suspiciously like the British one we all came to know and love.

The season opener will air on 30 July at 8pm US Eastern Time; 7pm Central. Apart from some really cringeworthy singing (is that an American thing?) and a cliched taking-an-inappropriate-car-through-a-drive-thru segment, the new show looks promising.
Stacked and loaded with more cars than you can shake a stick at. #TopGearAmerica premieres Sunday July 30 at 8/7c on @BBCAMERICA
— Top Gear BBCAmerica (@TopGear_BBCA) June 28, 2017
Will you be watching? Could the American version finally beat British Top Gear to the global spoils?
First Top Gear UK and now US aswell
BBC why you doing this????
Because the guys that made the show great are gone, and the producers left don’t have much of an imagination. It’s come down to “Well this set up of the show seems to work. Let’s do the same else where”.
Am I the only one who actually liked old Top Gear USA? I got basically all my knowledge about American cars from Tanner, Rut and Adam… In my opinion it was almost as good as British Top Gear, just in a different kind of way.
Yeah. I dont know why theres so much hate going onto old american top gear.
I actually preferred it over the British one lol
You’re not the only one. The old TG USA is one of the best automotive shows I’ve ever watched. It’s a shame that BBC America did a TG UK.
I guess some of the hate was because it started off clunky and slow. With the hosts. But after time, really with the last 2 seasons, it came into its own. Ditching the couch segments, ditching the lap time, and just doing challenges was what really helped imo
I watched the american Top Gear beforte the british original an i like it. I miss it so much :(
Taking pages out of roadkill’s book. why can;t it be Roadkill,
Oh wait id rather have both
The ending seems cringy though which is why im still suspicious
Is there any way of watching in the UK?
We have an American, who is an actor. They have an American, who is also an actor. We have a racing driver, they have some bloke from TG magazine. They have a black guy…. Wait, I’m not going there
Tom Ford sure has lost some weight since I last saw him on 5th Gear..didn’t recognise him at first.
Idk why they keep replacing trios with chemistry for trios with “star power” think they would’ve learned the lesson by now
Chemistry takes time to build, itll happen after a season or two. Look at TGUK’s current trio. Night and day difference between first and last episodes of the season.
But, but…I liked Rutledge, Tanner and Adam.
I liked the old USA Top Gear as much as the British one.
Wait why did they get rid of Tanner Foust? The only guy that has the skills and the charisma to pull off the role required for Top Gear USA?