Derailed Design - They Actually Made These: The Dunham Coach Caballista

During the 70's, there were quite a few vehicles of questionable taste produced. So I decided to borrow the column that James created here on Car Throttle, and turn up the bad taste-o-meter up to 11, and introduce you to a series of posts called "They Actually Made These".

During the 70's, there were quite a few vehicles of questionable taste produced. So I decided to borrow the column that James created here on Car Throttle, and turn up the bad taste-o-meter up to 11, and introduce you to a series of posts called "They Actually Made These". James is very good at describing mainstream cars that have strayed from their roots, but I'm going to introduce you to one of the most bizarre and obscure trends during the Disco Era, the Neo Classic. These are cars that were made to look like "Classic" cars, with questionable taste, haphazzard build quality, and outrageous price tags. First up, say hello to the Dunham Coach Caballista.

The Dunham Motor Coach Company was the brainchild of Les Dunham, who was into the custom car scene in the 50's and 60's. In 1973, he put the body of a Cadillac Eldorado on a chassis of a Chevrolet Corvette, the Corvorado (Corvette + Eldorado) was born. The Corvorado was used in James Bond "Live And Let Die", and there were at least 6 more built.

However, in 1977, Dunham started another project, based (again) on a Corvette, the Caballista. The neo-classic design was successful, 50 cars were built, right up until 1982. Out of these 50 Caballistas, only 5 were convertibles. They were built in Boonton, NJ, with a starting price was over $60,000 new, in 1980.

Let's just say the design was unique. Love it or hate it, the design was meant for a different era. These types of vehicles were a phenomenon during the late 70's in which they were showcased in "Blaxploitation" films like "Shaft", rolling up in front of over the top discotheques like Studio 54, and were the pimp-tastic rides of the day. Think of them as the spiritual ancestor to the Escalade and Bentley of today.

If you manage to find one today, believe it or not, there is are willing buyers waiting to purchase them. To coin a phrase from the movie "Live and Let Die" these were rolling "Juke Boxes", taken from the flashy styling of the Wurlitzer record players that were the mainstay of any diner, pool hall, or bowling alley back in the day.

What else is there to say, the car speaks for itself. Is it a great design? No, but it is polarizing. Is it cutting edge? Not at all, even when it was produced. Is it going to be a classic? No, but it is a collectible. The big question is this; Would you like to see more of these Neo-Classic posts in the future? Let me know with your comments below.

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