Despite Mass Criticism, The First Episode Of ‘New’ Top Gear Was Officially A Hit

Reaction to the first episode of revamped Top Gear wasn't brilliant, but host Chris Evans has revealed that in terms of numbers, it was a huge success
Despite Mass Criticism, The First Episode Of ‘New’ Top Gear Was Officially A Hit

It’s pretty clear from the reactions on our live discussion that most of you guys didn’t really take to the first episode of new Top Gear. In fact, the poll we ran yesterday revealed that a whopping 24 per cent of you scored the episode as a 1 out of 10…

Twitter seemed full to the brim with complaints, too, while reviews have been less than favourable. However, in terms of raw numbers, the first episode was actually a hit.

In a series of Tweets, host Chris Evans revealed that the show enjoyed a massive 23 per cent audience share, representing a 12 per cent increase on the first episode of series 22 when the show was still presented by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May.

The caveat here is that the intrigue surrounding just what the show would be like in the post-Clarkson era will have no doubt fuelled the apparent popularity; the acid test will be the figures for the second and third episodes. However, it seems people weren’t switching off, because the audience actually grew throughout the airing. Evans also revealed this morning that iPlayer views have topped one million.

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My two cents - I am no by means a TV critic, but I believe people watched just to see what the new show would be like. With all the hype - I would’ve been surprised if they didn’t achieve at least the above ratings. Personally, I am quite disappointed, hope that they will get better in time. I also think that the “Extra Gear” bit that Rory Reid and Chris Harris did was actually quite better than the core show itself. That makes sense, as Chris Harris actually has experience with car journalism. I have to say Rory Reid was the only one to bring a nice surprise in the new show. Chris Evans and Mat Le Blanc left me with the impression of trying too hard and failing even harder at this …

05/31/2016 - 12:58 |
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They should rename it Car Crash TV

05/31/2016 - 13:00 |
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This is the first series of whole new Top Gear. FACT. First series always attract most audience because people are interested to see what’s new. FACT. Even if I was the new TG presenter the first series would attract a lot of audience. Maybe not such a fact but still.
We shall see what happens when it comes to series 2 and 3.

05/31/2016 - 13:02 |
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Chris Evans is a fricking d*ckhead

05/31/2016 - 13:06 |
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Keep Moving Sideways

This shows how much he cares
about cars. His main worrys are

05/31/2016 - 13:09 |
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Thug Bird

Everyone is riding Clarkson’s d#ck in this.

How about we all give new Top Gear a chance and stop whining about it like sheeple?

chirp chirp

05/31/2016 - 13:14 |
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we all ready did!

05/31/2016 - 13:45 |
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I think anyone with a working set of eyes and ears could tell that the first episode went down like a knackered lift. You don’t need to be pro-Clarkson to see that.

05/31/2016 - 13:52 |
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It wasn’t that bad, we only didn’t like it because Clarkson Hammond and may weren’t there. But this is how it is now, we have 2 car shows now. The only thing I would do is get Rory and Chris Harris to do the hosting rather then Evans who is trying too hard all the time. Oh, and fire Matt LeBlanc.

05/31/2016 - 13:20 |
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This show is just embarrassing, I really couldn’t watch this. There was no build up or explanation to anything, everything was stretched out and the jokes were flat and outright not funny. FACTS my ass people just watched this crap to see how it would play out, it will not be a quarter as good as the Top Gear was with the trio.

05/31/2016 - 13:32 |
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If those are facts, he should better show the official sheet of paper picture or statistic page on their database showing those %.

Because I totally don’t believe that it’s 12% more than Three Wise Men show.

05/31/2016 - 13:33 |
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I guess he didn’t understand that everyone watched to see how it would turn out? 1.1 million iPlayer cringes.

05/31/2016 - 13:35 |
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