Discovering A Giant Spider Hanging Off Your Car's Sun Visor Mid-Journey Is The Absolute Worst
What would you do if you started your car journey only to have this little fella creep into your space out of some God-forsaken hell-hole?
As we all know, the correct answer is just to get out as fast as possible. All other concerns are secondary: whatever speed you’re doing, just leave the area. Pronto.
We joke. Obviously you’d stop the car safely, try to exit the car without being murdered and/or eaten, and then call in a military air strike. There’d be nothing else for it.
Of course, this horror show is in Australia; the home of an alarming number of massive, nightmare-haunting spiders like this one. Poor Bianca Merrick, who we assume became a spider’s dinner shortly after filming this, doesn’t exactly seem happy about her uninvited hitch-hiker. Well, you wouldn’t be, would you.
Source: Jezebel
CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!