Douchebag Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison After Swerving Into Biker
Around late 2015, the horrific video above went viral. It depicted Texan William Crum violently swerving into an overtaking motorbike near Granbury, resulting in the rider and a pillion passenger hitting the deck hard.
18 months on, 69-year-old has at last been sentenced for his actions. Despite claiming to have momentarily lost control of the car due to being bitten by a spider (yes, really), Crum has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for “two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon,” his lawyer confirmed last week. He’s been behind bars since his arrest on 19 October 2015, shortly after the incident.
While we do - sadly - see videos like this from time to time, this particular crash stood out due to Crum nonchalantly stating “I don’t care” to the following biker who recorded everything on a helmet camera.

The rider knocked off - 37-year-old Eric Sanders - suffered only minor injuries, but his passenger - 38-year-old Debra Simpson - ended up in intensive care, having suffered a broken arm plus multiple scrapes and bruises.
It’d be remiss of us to not to point out that Sanders was overtaking in a no passing zone with two solid lines in the middle of the road, but illegal or not, it looked like a relatively safe, well-sighted pass. And I’m sure we can all agree that using your car as a deadly weapon is not the right response for another road user’s rule-breaking…
Source: Star Telegram via Lanesplitter
What’s in common between an annoying friend and McLaren Honda engine?
Both know how to spoil team work.
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Both don’t give a f*ck to the worst and enjoy sunshine.
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Both smile at each other and pretend to be a friend.
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Both can make a chaos out of nowhere.
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Both know how to overtake anyone.
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Both are fat and make people fap.
Only In America
Being a complete %&*# is not something restricted by nationality.
That’s a really f&%*ing stupid thing to say. You don’t travel much do you?
I see this all the time in the U.K.
Screw off! Not only in America you dumba$$
At least we don’t vandalize cars because they “ruin the view” of our historic villages ;) cheers
Hopefully everything goes well for them…
This is horrible! Still…passing over a double solid yellow is illegal.
So is passing the double solid yellow just to hit a passing vehicle.
This is relevant
FREEDOM!!! not anymore…
I’m surprised that the biker with the camera didn’t punch him
That would be incriminating evidence though, what he did proved to be the best possible outcome. It would be REALLY tempting to knock the ____er out, but he effectively did that by recording the crash, the number plate and his reaction
Man that guy seems really….crumy
He got what he deserved, two wrongs don’t make a right and he now has the next 15 years to think about that. I would’ve just let them pass, maybe call them a bloody idiot, but not become worse than them to try and right a wrong with another wrong, that just never works
Comeuppance at its finest.
Trump be like: Douchebags deserve it