This Drunk Driver Hit A Tree And Carried On Like It Was No Big Deal
A police officer in Roselle, Illinois, pulled over a car that had a 15 foot tree embedded in its front end. Unsurprisingly, the driver was drunk...
This driver hit a tree so hard that it destroyed the front of her car, became embedded in the front grille, and set off her airbags. Incredibly she didn’t seem to think this was an issue, and carried on regardless.

Roselle police were called to reports of a woman driving around with a tree attached to the front of her car, and when cops pulled her over and approached the car, they smelled alcohol. The 54-year-old driver failed a field sobriety test and was arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol.
Source: Mashable
The struggle of trying to think of a good pun for this.
Well after that… happy womens day! And yes, womens are great drivers ;)
She’s driving around with a tree in her car and I have to slow down to 10 miles an hour to cross rail road tracks
Give a new meaning to Lincoln logs
Now she’s got two trunks.
I see what you did there 😂😂
Can we just leaf these jokes out of this
Must’ve became a tesla
Now the driver will have some firewood to burn.
And this is why police use crown Vic’s probably
Ahh.. Only in my state..
Used to be mine.
representing Chicago on ct
Yo I live like right there I saw that when it happened
How was it? Hahs