This Epic Car Chase Features A Decapitated Deer, Rockets & Big Explosions
If the new Fast & Furious live premier got you in the mood for an epic car chase, then you'll definitely like what we're about to show you. In fact, we'll go as far to say that it could be better than all the chases in Fast Six put together!
This 95 second home-made clip was created by Stoopid Buddy Stoodios and is 100 per cent hand-made using clay, Micro Machines, a customised camera rig and plenty of man hours.

In the epic footage we see a deer narrowly escape death by micro muscle car while crossing the road. Sadly, as the deer continues its road crossing, it's brutally decapitated by a truck. The deer's head lands on the muscle car's bonnet, at which point the gates of hell-fire are opened. The muscle car then chases the truck and shoots it with its built in rockets to avenge the deer.

Later on, a police car joins the fun but is then obliterated by the machine guns built into the muscle car's bumpers. There's plenty more action packed in here, so kick back and be amazed!

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