Even Batman Gets Pulled Over In His Gallardo By The Cops

We've always wondered what car Batman uses to get to the gym. Now we know the answer!

batman gif

Batman: renowned worldwide for putting the fear of God into anyone who get's on the wrong side of the law. But when he isn't in front of the camera, what car do you think he uses to get to the gym?

As it happens, a police patrol in Montgomery, USA, stumbled across the answer while on a routine stop. Batman drives a Gallardo Spyder. Of course.

In comparison to Bruce Wayne's ostentatious Aventador, Batman's black Gallardo makes better sense: it's more of a sleeper, no way near as big, and half as shouty. And why would Batman want an Aventador when other criminal-crushing agents of the law drive an Aventador?

It’s been a while since the video was posted, but it further proves the point that if you want to catch speedy crims, only a Lambo will do.

The driver, Lenny R. Robinson, said that he wasn’t the real Batman (whilst being pulled over by police on Route 29, Montgomery Country, USA), but his excuse could just be part of his cover.

Here’s what Police said on Twitter:

“Yes, Batman was stopped by MCPD on Wednesday,S/B Route 29 at Prelude Dr. for no tags on Batmobile.”

Underneath the YouTube video is the description, which is obviously just trying to throw Batman’s enemies off the scent:

“Batman was revealed by The Washington Post to be Lenny R. Robinson, 48, a Baltimore County businessman who has been visiting sick children in Baltimore-area hospitals since 2001. Sometimes his teenage son, Brandon, goes along as Robin.

“The car… showed only a bat symbol where the license plate belonged. When the Dark Knight showed officers the real plates inside the car and told them he was headed for an appearance for children at a local hospital, "they let him fly...after a picture or two," police said as they released a seven-minute dashcam video of the hilarious traffic stop. Speaking of which...


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