The Evo Triangle Could Soon Be Ruined By Average Speed Cameras

We want to make something clear: a tiny minority of idiots taking risks should not force politicians to over-legislate brilliant roads, but that doesn't seem to be putting the campaigners off
The Evo Triangle Could Soon Be Ruined By Average Speed Cameras

The famed ‘Evo Triangle’ in North Wales could be slapped with lines of average speed cameras if the Welsh Government gets its way.

Safety campaigners highlight the fact that four people have died and 20 have been hurt on the brilliantly fast but challenging three-sided route over the last five years. They also blame the British magazine Evo for allegedly ‘encouraging’ rule-breaking on the roads.

That, as we all know, is utter bullship. As usual.

Image: Google Maps
Image: Google Maps

Nonetheless, the government-appointed task group looking at the so-called dangerous driving problem says that average speed cameras, like those already installed on the Cat & Fiddle pass in the Peak District, are a viable solution.

The much-loved Cat & Fiddle pub, by the way, which was once a rest point and lunch destination for car clubs, groups of bikers and anyone with a nice vehicle and money to spend, has seen business fall away so dramatically since the 50mph average speed cameras were installed that it has recently closed down.

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A Welsh Government spokesman is quoted by the BBC as saying:

“We are progressing the proposal with an offer of funding to allow Conwy and Denbighshire councils to carry out further feasibility work on this.

“They will then be able to put forward a well-developed bid for funding from the Road Safety Capital Grant 2018-19.”

The local scenery is one of the Triangle's appeals
The local scenery is one of the Triangle's appeals

The Welsh Assembly Member for the area, Darren Millar, who seems to be your standard car-bashing, car-blaming politician, added:

“I have been calling on the government to do something along this stretch of road for some time.

“Too many people have been travelling too fast in this area for too long. We have to put a stop to this as soon as possible.”

Mr Millar had just better be prepared for the economic hit his area takes when all the sensible drivers who choose to enjoy the Evo Triangle before/after popping into Betws-y-Coed for breakfast go somewhere else instead.

Source: BBC

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Fillmore (sleeperpooper)


12/04/2017 - 09:45 |
0 | 0
Fillmore (sleeperpooper)

“they also blame the British magazine Evo for allegedly ‘encouraging’ rule-breaking on the roads. “

they sounds like the kind of guys that blames Porsche for Paul Walker’s death

12/04/2017 - 09:47 |
346 | 0


12/04/2017 - 09:50 |
12 | 2

Hey Fillmore, can you please edit your post so that you put the ‘e’ back in ‘breaking’? We can’t consider it for next week’s Best Comments as it is. Mostly because I’m feeling uber-pedantic today, but also because it looks like the article itself makes a dodgy pun, and we can’t have that. ;)

12/04/2017 - 11:35 |
80 | 0

Wouldn’t have happened in a Daewoo matiz.

12/04/2017 - 12:13 |
2 | 2
Ali Mahfooz

Install speed cameras and shut down businesses - How to government 101. 🤦‍♂️

12/04/2017 - 09:48 |
140 | 0

If the non-sensible drivers are in a minority then where did all the sensible ones go?

12/04/2017 - 11:49 |
6 | 0
Tomislav Celić

I’m sorry, but blame the SUVs. Why? Well while making the speed limit, you need to make sure that even the worst handiling car, in worst conditions, will be able to drive on the limit with no risk. No SUVs - better avrage car handiling - bigger speed limits.

Same goes for braking

12/04/2017 - 09:52 |
20 | 24

I’m sorry, but that is legitimately the stupidest reasoning I have ever read in my lifetime. These speed limits have existed long before SUVs became popular, and modern SUVs are driving better than the sedans of 10 years ago.

12/04/2017 - 10:02 |
54 | 6

That’s like blaming Boeing for 9/11

12/04/2017 - 11:33 |
18 | 0
Haydn Rhodes

They must have better things to do than this. 4 people have died in the last 5 years. There’s more than likely alot more roads, which have a higher death rate than that. Government really need to get their priorities right.

12/04/2017 - 10:22 |
40 | 0
Nishant Dash


12/04/2017 - 11:02 |
94 | 2

About 8 people died on the backroads around my hometown the last three months alone, so I call BS on that government claim that the triangle is dangerous!

12/04/2017 - 14:41 |
10 | 0

Looks like somebody is going to make a campfire with speedcameras.

12/04/2017 - 11:13 |
6 | 0
K Chaitanya Rao

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Didn’t someone stick a tyre over one, douse it in gasoline and set it on fire?
That guy is my hero

12/04/2017 - 12:44 |
8 | 0


12/04/2017 - 11:18 |
0 | 4

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

a) As Clarkson and many others have said before, average speed cameras have the slightly dangerous side effectof making people look at their speedometer more than the road. One can either drive safe or stay within the limits posed by average cameras. b) It’s a brilliant piece of road being ruined. c) One doesn’t always have a track nearby and roads like this are perfect for having a bit of fun.

12/04/2017 - 11:36 |
2 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

If i may ask isn’t the beautiful scenery part of the point of driving a nice car on a B road ? A race track is great for pushing a car to it’s limit but for a good drive there is nothing else like a b road.

12/04/2017 - 11:41 |
0 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


12/04/2017 - 12:34 |
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H5SKB4RU (Returned to CT)

Solution? Put tape over the expensive speed cameras and deny them from the money they’re after

12/04/2017 - 11:19 |
22 | 0

In reply to by H5SKB4RU (Retu…


12/04/2017 - 12:13 |
0 | 0
Dave 12

Sensible drivers? Lol this isn’t the Rolls Royce owners club. A bit like druggies calling for legalised weed. If you get a large number of people anywhere causing trouble then the result is pretty obvious. For those of you who want to drive like lunatics come to Lincolnshire! The agricultural deserts aren’t beautiful but I can guarantee they’ll be the last places to be touched by average speed cameras, automated cars and bans.

12/04/2017 - 11:27 |
0 | 4
Matt Kimberley

In reply to by Dave 12

We’d question these alleged ‘large numbers’, though. Four deaths in five years? The UK total over that period is over 8700. And the Triangle has, from my experience, a much higher proportion of nice cars and keen drivers on it. By the campaigners’ own logic and generalisation the Triangle has a much, much lower casualty rate than it should have. I’d ask them that if we’re all so dangerous, why aren’t the figures much higher?

12/04/2017 - 11:42 |
10 | 0

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