Ex-BBC Director Admits He Screwed Up By Firing Clarkson

Even after punching his producer in the face, the ex-boss at the BBC says chucking Clarkson was a mistake
Ex-BBC Director Admits He Screwed Up By Firing Clarkson

It seems that after the dust has settled over the latest new look Top Gear series, the BBC has admitted making an error. After a ‘fracas‘ that resulted in the sacking of Jeremy Clarkson - followed swiftly by the departure of co-stars Hammond and May - a completely new team was brought in to spearhead the BBC’s most successful show to date.

Despite the decent viewing numbers produced by the latest series, the ex-director general of the BBC has come out and admitted that getting rid of the brash presenter was a mistake. Mark Thompson has called Clarkson a “deeply objectionable character” but went on to say that JC was a “talent they (the BBC) could ill afford to lose”.

Ex-BBC Director Admits He Screwed Up By Firing Clarkson

Thompson went on to say that Clarkson “spoke to people who didn’t find much else at the BBC”, meaning that he brought in a new audience with his wit, charisma and outspoken nature. With the old Top Gear trio’s new show - The Grand Tour - starting exclusively on Amazon Prime in the Autumn, it seems that Clarkson and co. have made the correct call and should provide an interesting comparison to the new Le Blanc-age Top Gear.

Despite the new BBC series showing promising aspects through Chris Harris and Rory Reid, it seems that it is still missing the controversial Englishman from its ranks.

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Finley Potter

I was waiting for this to come out

08/23/2016 - 13:23 |
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You done goofed up boy

08/23/2016 - 13:25 |
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Topgear is dead because of the new crap

08/23/2016 - 13:27 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The BBC refuses to accept that Top Gear is dead as they are making a new season

01/06/2017 - 00:55 |
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Why did hr do it in the first place

08/23/2016 - 13:29 |
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Guss De Blöd

IMO, what the BBC should have done as a punishment for clarkson was to force him to host a show against racism and violence, where he would have explained why what he did was wrong and that when he does say racist thing on TV it’s just for the joke.
That was my idea of a fitting punishment for him. But ney, they fired him. I should run the bbc :P

08/23/2016 - 13:39 |
10 | 2

What is this horseshit? Mark Thompson has not been Director General of the BBC since 2012. The DG who fired Clarkson last year is Tony Hall, who remains in the post and is not at all quoted in this article. 🙄

08/23/2016 - 14:30 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

…and? Thompson WAS the Director General. He’s basically saying Hall made a mistake he believes he would not have made.

Tell me, when you read the news and a retired politician makes a statement about a political matter do you flip your paper up in the air and scream “Horseshit! He’s not even a politician anymore!”?

09/08/2016 - 14:10 |
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Sergio Ruelas

It was the right thing to fire him. It’s that they tried to recreate top gear that was a huge mistake for BBC.

08/23/2016 - 14:36 |
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BBC did not fire Clarkson. He fired them

08/23/2016 - 14:43 |
38 | 0

“Even after punching his producer in the face, the ex-boss at the BBC says chucking Clarkson was a mistake.” This is what we pedants call a hanging participle.

08/23/2016 - 15:48 |
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