FCA Will Restore And Sell Amazing Classics Like The Alfa Romeo SZ

More and more manufacturers seem to be cottoning on to the fact that they can get in on the booming classic car market. Aston Martin and Jaguar are two prominent examples, with various continuation models from the pair making headlines over the last year or so. And now, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is getting in on the act.
FCA’ Heritage is launching its ‘Reloaded by Creators’ scheme, which will purchase, restore and sell notable classics from the Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Lancia and Abarth brands. “The sums raised will then be used to finance new scouting activities to add important new pieces to FCA’s historic collection,” the automotive giant said in a press release.

Each will come with a certificate of authenticity, and while no prices have been mentioned, they’ll almost certainly be very expensive.
The scheme will kick off with five cars, which we’ve listed below:
1989 Alfa Romeo SZ

1959 Lancia Appia Coupé

1981 Spidereuropa Pininfarina

1973 Lancia Fulvia Coupé Montecarlo

1991 Alfa Romeo Spider

If money were no object, which one of these classics would you buy?
I can’t believe the Alfa SZ is an ‘89, it looks so futuristic… And then I can’t belive the Spider is a ‘91… It looks late 60s or early 70s… Don’t get me wrong though, the Spider is beautiful…
oh yeah, she’s got the timeless design…and the other cars that were posted on top…But the SZ tho…so.sweet and sexy…
There were a few 90s cars that still used old-school designs. The original Mini, for example.
Money no object, I’d have the 124…for some totally irrational reason
The Lancia Appia looks interesting. I’m surprised that they were able to mass produce the rear window like that in the late 1950s already.
Sorry for the caps, I love the Alfa SZ..
Me too. The design is so unique, never seen anything like it.
Alfa Romeo spider like the one I spotted when I was visiting my friend Michael.
No one seems to give it some love in the comments, so i’ll go for the fluvia 😍
Id take the Monte Carlo, hoon/destroy the heck out of it then return it to FCA so that they restore it once more!
y tho
Fluvia. Any day.
It looks mean as hell.
1991 spider because it looks weird
We all know where this is going if chrysler represents
Imlove lanyachts.