Ferrari Still Courting Valentino Rossi For F1

It's a rumor that just won't die, so does that make it more than a rumor? Ferrari, the most successful F1 team in history, is STILL after Valentino Rossi, the most successful MotoGP racer in history.

It's a rumor that just won't die, so does that make it more than a rumor? Ferrari, the most successful F1 team in history, is STILL after Valentino Rossi, the most successful MotoGP racer in history. Rossi has tested with the Maranello based team on a bunch of occasions, but neither of them can seem to commit and jump the broom.

Now, or sources say that Valentino Rossi is "widely acknowledged as the greatest motorcycle racer of all time", and I would be hard pressed to disagree with them ... although an argument could be made that Giacomo Agostini still holds a few records. And you can also add to that the fact that Rossi has yet to do really crazy stuff like the Isle of Man TT. But OK, I'm not really arguing.

So Valentino is very, very good on two wheels, and when he's tested with Ferrari, he's put in some impressively quick numbers. The Scuderia has made numerous overtures to The Doctor in an effort to get him to cross disciplines.

And it's not like this doesn't have precedents. Mike "The Bike" Hailwood ran in F1, but never achieved success on four wheels like he did on two (his life cut short by a racing accident). And if you want to talk about one of the King Hell crazy rider/drivers of all time, look no further than John Surtees. Surtees was the only person to win a MotoGP title AND a Formula 1 title.

And like Rossi, Surtees drove for Ferrari. And I don't mean just the team, but il Commendatore himself. Enzo always referred to him as "il Gran John", or Big John. Which was a little bit of a dig, because Surtees was all of about 5 foot 2 and weighed seemingly 90 pounds. And about 80 pounds of that seemed to be taken up in testicles.

All that stuff (small, brave, large attachments) can also be said about Rossi, which is no doubt why Ferrari wants him. "We want a third car

and I would do everything to have Valentino... When he wins this year's MotoGP, enough is enough, he must also win in Formula 1," stated outgoing Fiat Group Chairman Luca Cordero di Montezemolo.

OK, so I might be a bit biased and all, but I think this would be such a cool idea. So let's make it happen, shall we Luca?

Source: AutoBlog

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