A Finnish Driver Just Got Fined €54,000 For Speeding

If you’re feeling a little wounded in the wallet after paying out for a speeding fine, here’s something that might put your woes into perspective. According to Finnish publication Iltalehti, a driver in FInland was fined a colossal €54,024 (£38,800) after getting caught driving 103km/h (64mph) in an 80km/h (50mph) zone.
Sounds like a lot for a 14mph infringement, but Finland has an interesting way of handing out speeding fines, where the amount is based on income. As the driver - businessman Reima Kuisla - was found to have earned €6.5 million (£4.7m) in 2013, his fine was suitably cranked up. Some might point out that this is actually quite a fair system, but Kuisla clearly wasn’t impressed, and ranted about the fine on Facebook, saying “Finland is an impossible country to live in for certain kinds of people with large incomes.”
While €54k sounds like a hell of a lot for a speeding fine, higher penalties have been clocked in Finland before. The BBC cites one instance in 2002, when a Nokia executive had to shell out €116,000 after getting caught speeding on a Harley Davidson. At the time, he earned €14 million.
Want to find out more about quirky driving laws from around the world? Head over here to see our video on the subject from last year.
Via World Car Fans
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