Fire Trucks Are Supposed To Help Extinguish Fires, Not Wreak Crashy Havoc Like This
The emergency services are here to help you. Whenever you're in trouble they're no more than three digits away, however on rare occasions they explode onto the scene causing more trouble than they solve.

In Memphis, Tennessee, a housing block is on fire, and firefighters are working their way up to the blaze. As backup arrives, it seems like things are beginning to get under control.

It's unclear whether the driver was distracted or the brakes malfunctioned, but the fire truck's arrival is rather destructive. The truck fails to stop before a dividing barrier in the car park, with a concrete divider bearing the brunt of the impact. It is completely destroyed by the truck, which appears to take no damage.

Like true professionals, the firemen get straight to work. Skip to 2:10 for the action, and be warned - the language is NSFW!
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