Free Reign: Should People Be Able To Modify Their Cars However They Want? #blogpost

While the car community can be inviting and friendly, it can also be rather polarizing. There are a lot of de facto rules as to what you can and can’t do when it comes to car modifying.

Free Reign: Should People Be Able To Modify Their Cars However They Want? #blogpost

While the car community can be inviting and friendly, it can also be rather polarizing. There are a lot of de facto rules as to what you can and can’t do when it comes to car modifying. Engine swapping cars such as a Porsche 911 or a Mazda RX-7 is considered taboo and donk culture isn’t widely accepted. Should car enthusiasts have free reign as to how they modify their cars or should there be guidelines as to what you should and shouldn’t do? I’ll take both sides of the argument for free reign of car modifying…

Live And Let Live

It’s ironic that car enthusiasts want to break from regular social norms but then set up social norms in their own community. You rarely hear people smack talking about someone’s choice of spouse at a wedding, so why do fellow car enthusiasts hate on certain cars and car modifications? Some people should just mind their own business, who cares if someone put chrome rims and a body kit on a car? It’s their car, they should be able to do what they want with it, even if it means putting a Corvette V8 into an RX-7. Haters gonna hate.

Free Reign: Should People Be Able To Modify Their Cars However They Want? #blogpost

Don’t Be Stupid

Sometimes, car modification might go a little too far. Big trucks lifted up into the stratosphere, cars that would bust open their oil pan going over a normal speed bump and car stereos that can be heard in multiple counties. Laws that ban exhaust sounds above a certain decibel rating aren’t too bad of an idea, same goes with speaker sound. If your only car is 1 inch off the ground and you live somewhere with snow and ice, you’re pretty much screwed if you want to drive it 12 months of the year. People don’t wear clown suits everyday, so why drive a ridiculously modified car on your daily commute?

Free Reign: Should People Be Able To Modify Their Cars However They Want? #blogpost

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Joel Kjesbo

The way I see it, the owner should be able to modify their car however they want! Are there things I don’t think is “ok” to do to a car? Yes, yes there is! But in the end, it’s not my car! If I see something I find idiotic, I might point it out. However, in reality I don’t care! If you modify your car you should be able to accept that not everyone will like it!

01/14/2017 - 22:04 |
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The TallDutchmen

Well, as long as they dont ruin the car. Like cutting a one-off million dollar car in pieces, that type of ruin.

01/14/2017 - 22:04 |
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Bd of FH3

I agree Chadkake

01/14/2017 - 22:11 |
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adam thompson

It’s THEIR car, they should be able to modify it how they want as long as it’s not considered illegal. With that being said, you will be judged harshly if people (me included) think it is stupid

01/14/2017 - 22:26 |
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Sh!tpost Machine

If your car mods don’t affect the safety/sanity of others, then its fine.

01/14/2017 - 22:39 |
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David 27

TL DR; not your car, not your problem

01/14/2017 - 22:43 |
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i’ve allways thaught that modifying my Cars the way i like is way more enjyable then following other peoples likings or following so called trends.
If everyone would just keep repeting what other people think is acceptable or right, it would make things very boring and less diverse.
Keep modifying the way YOU like it.

01/14/2017 - 22:48 |
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Yes. Its your car, you do what you want to it. It’s a reflection of your personality. It reflects you as a person

01/14/2017 - 23:37 |
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Evan H.


01/14/2017 - 23:45 |
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01/15/2017 - 00:13 |
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Dat Incredible Chadkake

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Qian Li

01/15/2017 - 00:14 |
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