Free Reign: Should People Be Able To Modify Their Cars However They Want? #blogpost

While the car community can be inviting and friendly, it can also be rather polarizing. There are a lot of de facto rules as to what you can and can’t do when it comes to car modifying.

Free Reign: Should People Be Able To Modify Their Cars However They Want? #blogpost

While the car community can be inviting and friendly, it can also be rather polarizing. There are a lot of de facto rules as to what you can and can’t do when it comes to car modifying. Engine swapping cars such as a Porsche 911 or a Mazda RX-7 is considered taboo and donk culture isn’t widely accepted. Should car enthusiasts have free reign as to how they modify their cars or should there be guidelines as to what you should and shouldn’t do? I’ll take both sides of the argument for free reign of car modifying…

Live And Let Live

It’s ironic that car enthusiasts want to break from regular social norms but then set up social norms in their own community. You rarely hear people smack talking about someone’s choice of spouse at a wedding, so why do fellow car enthusiasts hate on certain cars and car modifications? Some people should just mind their own business, who cares if someone put chrome rims and a body kit on a car? It’s their car, they should be able to do what they want with it, even if it means putting a Corvette V8 into an RX-7. Haters gonna hate.

Free Reign: Should People Be Able To Modify Their Cars However They Want? #blogpost

Don’t Be Stupid

Sometimes, car modification might go a little too far. Big trucks lifted up into the stratosphere, cars that would bust open their oil pan going over a normal speed bump and car stereos that can be heard in multiple counties. Laws that ban exhaust sounds above a certain decibel rating aren’t too bad of an idea, same goes with speaker sound. If your only car is 1 inch off the ground and you live somewhere with snow and ice, you’re pretty much screwed if you want to drive it 12 months of the year. People don’t wear clown suits everyday, so why drive a ridiculously modified car on your daily commute?

Free Reign: Should People Be Able To Modify Their Cars However They Want? #blogpost

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LPTater (Part-time Ricer)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

As somebody said in one of the comments, I forget who, the worst of the haters are on the internet hiding behind their screens. For me personally, when I see a modified car irl, i dont care if I love or hate the way they modified it, I still want to meet the owner, because he/she is one of the rare individuals that shares the same passion and drive for cars that I do. We’re all car guys. And thats all that matters to me. That we can talk and laugh and race and compare and dream for hours with people we met 5 minutes ago, something I’ve never experienced with “normies”. And that seems to be how 99% of car guys are in the real world. We respect each other because we all know what goes into our builds and our passion.

Iromically, the best place on the internet I’ve found for car guys is a “ricer” group I’m a part of on facebook. The guys there are dedicated to building their cars how they like despite the haters, and they all post their builds there because everyone in the group is supportive of everyones builds.

Honestly, when I come across someone hating on cars on the internet for no reason, i assume its

  1. Youre a child
  2. You are not a true car enthusiast; you dont get it
  3. You just want attention

As the saying goes, real car guys respect other car guys

01/15/2017 - 14:36 |
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Donkey Kong (Donk Squad) (cavalier squad)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Definitely. I started reading yestersay and didn’t finish. Think I’ll finish

01/15/2017 - 16:17 |
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Kill. The. Camero

01/15/2017 - 14:11 |
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Zoomer Slick

For car modification, there is a level of common sense to adhere to. For instance, lifting a Camaro, putting big ass donk rims on it, and a GOLD wrap? At that point the car has lost its function. Its purpose.

Ricers, the donk community, all of them and more, I couldn’t care LESS what they do to their cars. If it would be a Civic, a Saxo, a Crown Victoria, etc.

I could honestly go on and on, but these are the fundamentals behind my opinion.

Go ahead, roast me in essay form, your triggered response standing by universal car modification wont sway my opinion or peg down my ego.

01/15/2017 - 15:29 |
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Metrickzcz (Prelude Squad)

Ricers are the perfect definition of this, they do whatever THEY want not what is in the trends, but yeah then it ends up how it ended up …

01/15/2017 - 16:34 |
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Yes. Every aspect should be interchangeable without legal troubles

01/15/2017 - 17:06 |
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If you don’t like it….

01/15/2017 - 17:12 |
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Mr Stig

Here in Austria We have Rules that prevent excessive modifications of your car. For example: your car mustn’t sit lower than 8 cm, your Sound System mustn’t disturb other drivers aswell as pedestriants and every modification apllied, such as bodykits, lights, spoilers must be registred in the papers. I know the last one is present in other countries aswell, but here the Police is very strict and you get your plates taken in no time. Apparently, where I live the government does the Job of keeping ridiculos cars off the streets

01/15/2017 - 17:48 |
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As long as it doesn’t harm others (like shooting gigantic exhaust flames, rolling coal, circular saws on front or anything else you decide to add to make crowd-disposal quicker). I think once you modify it, you should be required to get your car inspected, and if power/emissions increase, your road tax/insurance should change accordingly. But you should be able to do anything you want.

01/15/2017 - 20:04 |
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Sure, go for it. But im the person whk want to turn a Ferrari into a rally beast

01/15/2017 - 23:43 |
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I’m welcoming to all forms of modification, except Stance and Liberty Walk, those need to die out.

01/16/2017 - 01:28 |
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