This Good Guy Left His Car In Traffic To Give His Umbrella To A Homeless Man

Dashcam footages captures the moment a driver in Montreal, Canada got out of his car while stuck in traffic to give his umbrella to a homeless man at the side of the road. Nice to know there are still a few good humans out there!
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Given all the dash cam videos of crashes, road rage and the like we’re used to seeing, it’s nice witness a random act of kindness for a change. Bravo, sir!

Video via Car Scoops

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Yeah! Montreal my hometown!

09/28/2016 - 15:18 |
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No way man. Im like 40 minutes outside of the city

09/28/2016 - 20:23 |
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If this happened in Spain, his car would had disapeared…

09/28/2016 - 15:52 |
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“No need to thank me, it’s my simple Civic duty.”

09/28/2016 - 23:12 |
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Why are you down here??

09/29/2016 - 06:59 |
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L1on Legacy

Follow Car page on Instagram @l1onlegacy

09/29/2016 - 02:48 |
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Rob S

Naturally the feel good motoring video is from Canada.

09/29/2016 - 03:02 |
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See? Car guys are just better people than non-car guys

09/29/2016 - 07:38 |
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Jek C. Lulu

faith restored

10/01/2016 - 09:52 |
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Tomislav Celić

Restored the fate in humanity

10/01/2016 - 12:25 |
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