The Grand Tour's Second Series Will Be Here In October

Speaking on a TV chat show, James May revealed a few details about The Grand Tour's second series
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Want more Grand Tour? Now we know roughly how long we’ll have to wait for our second dose.

Speaking on BBC’s The One Show this week, presenter James May delivered the good news. “October is when you’ll first be able to see it,” he said, indicating that the Amazon Prime show’s second series will kick off slightly earlier in the year than the first series, which began in November 2016.

Naturally, questioning soon turned to the subject of budget. The Grand Tour’s first series generated numerous headlines around its reportedly massive budget (anything up to £4 million an episode was rumoured), and it seems Amazon is keen to splash the cash this time around too.

“It’s about the same, I would think. It is quite an expensive show to make,” May said, adding, “There’s a lot of travel involved. There’s a lot of crew involved. There’s a lot of tech involved, filming in 4K. But that’s boring stuff. It’s going to look largely the same, but we’ve moved it on a bit in a way that I can’t really tell you about yet because you’re the enemy and it’s secret!”

The Grand Tour's Second Series Will Be Here In October

We’re still not exactly sure how well the initial 13 episode run of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May’s new show performed, as Amazon doesn’t release viewing figures as a matter of policy.

The firm did however disclose that the first episode had the highest viewing figures for a debut show ever seen on the streaming platform. It was also reported recently that Amazon Prime Video access in the UK doubled last year, something which has been largely attributed to the draw of TGT.

So, it certainly seems like Amazon’s investment is paying off…

Source: The One Show via Digital Spy

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06/07/2017 - 10:12 |
5 | 2

My Amazon Prime Video subscription shsll dtay useless until October.

06/07/2017 - 10:15 |
2 | 1

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Don’t you get fast shipping that you don’t pay extra for with a membership? Also, if you are into World War 2, I highly recommend Band of Brothers

06/07/2017 - 13:44 |
3 | 0

When the second season of TGT is on the month of your birthday…

But you don’t have subscriptions to Amazon Prime…

06/07/2017 - 10:17 |
4 | 9

Next series needs more Disklok, that army scene would be totally different with Disklok shields

06/07/2017 - 10:19 |
88 | 6

Actual picture of the BBC directors when firing Clarkson

06/07/2017 - 10:22 |
110 | 0

Hopefully itll be better than the last season. It got gradually more and more unwatchable as the season went on.

06/07/2017 - 10:40 |
24 | 5
JenstheGTIfreak (pizza)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Finally someone who sees it

06/07/2017 - 11:37 |
9 | 4

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The first season was just them pissing on the BBC rather than trying to do something useful.

06/07/2017 - 12:08 |
20 | 2
lowie t

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

America happened…

06/07/2017 - 14:47 |
1 | 1
slevo beavo

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

It was terrible wasn’t it. I turned off after 4 episodes

06/07/2017 - 15:34 |
0 | 0

Irony is that James May was speaking with the BBC.

Some say that BBC’s employees backstage were pissing their pants everytime they bought something from Amazon

06/07/2017 - 11:21 |
6 | 0

Parrot Analytic a company the BBC use to track show Globally, have announced from january 1st to march 31th across 10 countries Grand tour top the Global streaming title Matt Parrot data is used by Fox and Variety so it solid stuff.

British average was 6.3 million slighly down from their top gear days of 6.5 million Matt as that top the UK streaming markets they top sweden, Australia, Japan and Germany Europe biggest Tv market.

They finsh in 2 place in Russia, fivfth in France and Mexico as well as 10 place in Brazil they finshed third place in the USA with an 8.9 million average only thirthreen stranger why and luke gace above them.

they also top the internet dat movie base rating in november, as of june they sit at 57 place in the top 250 rated shows with an 8.9 average approaching 37 thousand weighted votes that a good number as Top Gear is 8.7 after 87 thousand votes.

06/07/2017 - 12:04 |
1 | 2
lowie t

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

And this is?

06/07/2017 - 14:46 |
0 | 0

A comment? Nah I’m good.

06/07/2017 - 12:35 |
0 | 4
Ewan23 (The Scottish guy)

I hope they get rid of the stupid celebrity thing

06/07/2017 - 13:32 |
5 | 1

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