Guy Pulls Awesomely Casual U-Turn In Traffic
If we could all adopt this guy's approach cleanly, we'd all get home a lot quicker...

Three point turns are a massive inconvenience. They take too long to execute, require plenty of space and will always end up being more of a seven-point turn, which impresses no-one.

The way to do it then is like this man in his ever-so-slightly modded shitbox. Watch as this driver casually pulls alongside this 4x4 to set himself up for some Ken Block tekkers.

With a pull of the handbrake and generous prod of the gas pedal, he slides around the front of the 4x4 - much to its driver's surprise - and emerges on the other side like a pro. It's also important to note here, that the move sees our hero pull in front of a Nissan Primera which, like a Prius or Jazz, is not a car you ever want to be stuck behind at 20mph...
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