Here's A Car Getting Destroyed By Two 32kg Kettlebells Chained To The Wheels

It should come as no surprise that driving a Lada with kettlebells attached to its rear wheels creates quite a mess...
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If your wheels are out of balance, it’s usually pretty easy to tell: get to a certain speed, and you’ll start to feel a vibration. But what if that force was multiplied to a ridiculous degree?

Happily, those brilliantly mad Russians from YouTube channel Garage 54 have decided to answer yet another question nobody asked, by strapping two 32 kettlebells to the rear axle of a Lada. Yes, this is a rather extreme example of imbalanced wheels, but who cares when the results are this hilarious?

With the weights on the rear wheels, the car is - as you’d expect - hilariously bumpy and uncomfortable to drive. It doesn’t take long for the rear arches to cave in, and the wheels to become a little less round than they were before.

Erm, shall we call that a success...?
Erm, shall we call that a success...?

The chain holding one of the kettlebells on broke part-way through the experiment, but undeterred, Garage 54 carried on running with just the left-hand weight. Until the car had been pretty much destroyed.

The Lada was left not just with severe bodywork damage, but also with broken suspension linkages and a leaking rear differential. You’d almost feel sorry for the poor thing if it wasn’t so satisfying watching the car destroy itself…

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Must be running on the finest russian vodka

08/13/2018 - 15:19 |
21 | 2
Ellie Kuik

You see comrade, even when car is full, attach to wheels is no problem for stronk lada

08/13/2018 - 16:00 |
10 | 0

When you get back to leg day after skipping for a while

08/13/2018 - 16:20 |
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Freddie Skeates

They seem to have invented the opposite of fender rolling

08/13/2018 - 16:29 |
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Slyline guy 09

Wish it said team 10 with jake paul in it…

08/13/2018 - 16:58 |
3 | 0

An easy way to poop,just tie some kettlebells to the wheels of your car and the ride will be so uncomftorable that you’ll poop yourself

08/13/2018 - 17:33 |
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F*ck this guy.
Somebody please make a 7.62 sized hole between his eyes.

08/13/2018 - 18:24 |
5 | 10

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Why? There are more than enough Ladas in Russia, that junk is worth five bucks.

08/13/2018 - 21:47 |
5 | 4

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

A-hem… no violence rule?

08/28/2018 - 01:04 |
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Rand0m_c1tizen (Jon)

Talk about a fender bender

08/13/2018 - 20:54 |
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I can imagine this as a clickbaity YouTube video:
“Roll your fenders FOR FREE!”

08/14/2018 - 14:09 |
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