Here’s The Heartwarming Story Of A Kid Who Races His Late Dad’s Ghost On Xbox
Someone has made a tear-jerking video based on a YouTube comment that went viral a couple of years ago, in which a teenager described racing the ghost car of his late father
This brilliant video is based around a YouTube comment left by a user on a video discussing the spirituality of video games back in 2014. User 00WARTHERAPY00’s comment received over 6000 likes and nearly 500 comments, and was shared all around the world. His story of dealing with loss in a unique and unconventional way has just as much resonance now as it did two years ago.
Video via Gizmodo
(sniff) So heartwarming… (sniff sniff)
im getting shivers from this
Racing games are more than just cars, they are our dreams being driven.
Forza slogan right there ;) “Where dreams are driven”
Racing games are love. The new generation of car enthusiasts have been lucky to be presenter to full spectrum of motorsport right from their child/teenage years :) I’d say GT2 is the game that had biggest effect on myself.
dem feels…
such a beautiful story :)
Tears weren’t in my plan while coming here today.
I can sort of understand and relate to the way this teenager feels…..Having your father die at the age of 6 would affect anyone’s life in one way or another…And ..This just really lets me know how thankful I should be for having my father still with me…Sobs uncontrollably in the corner
I’m not gona cry. I’m not gona cry. I’m not gona cry…..
This sums up the video.
I can’t stop crying
oh crap wrong gif
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I meant this
Off of the discussion, Interstellar was an amazing moviem