Here's Proof That Car Drivers Give A Damn About Bikers

When this biker faceplanted the tarmac, these good guy motorists quickly rushed to help him

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If you've ever had a motorbike crash, you'll know it's not a pleasant thing to go through - even at slow speeds, tarmac is pretty unforgiving. It makes all the difference when strangers come to your aid, which is exactly what this thankful biker experienced.

It appears he hit a patch of diesel on the road, causing him to lose the back end on a roundabout and painfully smash into the tarmac.

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One car just drives on by as he lies on the floor, but within seconds, other drivers stop and run over to help the downed biker. He escaped without any serious injury, and was understandably very grateful to the motorists that stopped.

It's this sort of video that really restores our faith in humanity.


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