Here's Why the BMW i8 Is Worth $150,000

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I always thought the BMW i8 was a lot of hype - until I drove one. Now I’m starting to understand why it’s worth $150,000. Watch the video above, or check out my column for more of my thoughts.

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Quirky car

11/15/2016 - 18:01 |
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Ali Mahfooz

Awesome review! My only concern with electric cars is the lack of involvement and adrenaline pumping noise. Sure they are ridiculously fast but having no noise or fake noise is like sleeping with a beautiful woman who is a tranquilised mattress in bed making fake… ermm… moaning sounds. :(

11/15/2016 - 18:06 |
17 | 0

I agree. Although I think the fake pumped-in sound actually did more than I expected it to, nothing really takes the place of a big V8.

11/15/2016 - 18:07 |
7 | 0

Hahah i love that metaphore 👌

11/15/2016 - 21:28 |
3 | 1

A Prius will never be worth $150,000 - Not even joking, $150k complete rip off, let alone even $95k, you have to be complete moron

11/17/2016 - 05:52 |
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llP VeIoclty

Great review and a beautiful car!

just a shame there’s nowhere I can get a more in depth review and thoughts on this vehicle …

11/15/2016 - 21:28 |
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Alien OrSutin

@ 2:17 Doug says “how do you get out of an i8”, at which point he shows us how to open the door. Not how to get out. I wanted to see how ridiculous it looks trying to get out of it. I would own one by now if it had normal doors and normal sill height.

11/16/2016 - 06:37 |
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Doug, whenever you want a review a bmw that sounds good without faking it, we’ll be waiting for you in your friendly mountain state to the south :)

11/16/2016 - 11:44 |
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Besides the fake noise. I like it.

11/16/2016 - 20:14 |
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And you open the window and what do you here? My wife’s Mini Cooper engine. $150000,- sunk.

11/16/2016 - 20:25 |
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no gasoline engine ? nice fake noise ?

11/16/2016 - 22:46 |
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A Prius will never be worth $150,000 - Not even joking, $150k complete rip off, let alone even $95k, you have to be complete moron

11/17/2016 - 05:53 |
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I was waiting for him to say’It doesnt lol’

11/22/2016 - 17:03 |
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