Here's Why We Need To Be Ready To Fight Road Pricing

Roads pricing, like the idea we reported on earlier this week, wouldn't end well for the car enthusiast. Here's just a few of the reasons why we have no faith in the idea at all - and why you shouldn't either
Here's Why We Need To Be Ready To Fight Road Pricing

I want to revisit the idea of road pricing that we talked about earlier this week. The proposed scheme is in the UK, but ours isn’t the only country in the Western world that’s looking at the idea. The implications for actually enjoying cars could be massive.

The idea is pretty simple, on the face of it. Instead of paying duty on fuel and paying annual road tax as well, it would all be streamlined into one payment alongside your annual insurance bill. The people who drive the most will pay the most, within a stepped system biased towards lightweight low-emitters and against larger, heavier cars. Technology would track how many miles your car has travelled in the last year and bill you for it. It would be the biggest shake-up in the cost of motoring since insurance was introduced at all and would weigh on every driver’s mind like a taxi’s meter ticking ever onward with every mile you drive, racking up a larger and larger bill.

Here's Why We Need To Be Ready To Fight Road Pricing

There are several key aspects to the reality of how it would have to work: accurate mileage tracking on every car would be essential, the pricing structure would be totally subject to perspective and the sudden arrival of cheap fuel would be hugely counter-productive when it comes to persuading people to pay extra for electric cars. What would be the point if you could fill your Lotus for 30p per litre?

First, let’s talk about accurate mileage tracking. It would have to be based on fixed in-car technology to ensure it didn’t collect readings from other cars, and it would have to track each and every vehicle in the land – unless it was phased in with brand new cars only, which it wouldn’t be because the country-wide switch would happen far too slowly to be effective or practical. Imagine the admin involved in juggling two systems at once.

The busiest routes would cost the most to drive
The busiest routes would cost the most to drive

Every driver would be tracked, everywhere we went, and while that kind of already happens courtesy of Google and Apple, this data would be much more readily available to the authorities if they want to introduce automatic fines for speeding, for example, or to hackers who fancy finding out when owners of expensive cars are likely to be passing, in order to car-jack them. I don’t want to be watched or monitored while I’m driving, thanks. Under any circumstances.

Next, it’s the pricing structure, which the prize-winning idea we reported on says will relate to size and weight of cars as well as emissions. Our idea of fair is going to be very different to that of your typical Guardian reader, Green voter or the kind of person who puts eyelashes on their Fiat 500. Who do you prioritise? Do you penalise powerful cars because you’re an old, senile lawmaker and want to clamp down on fast motors? Do you punish any car with four-wheel drive because it’s a technological waste for 99 per cent of people 99 per cent of the time?

Country roads would be cheaper
Country roads would be cheaper

We know that the busiest routes would cost more, so you’re being taxed extra for driving to work. But where would you draw the weight limits between prices per mile? Do you penalise the Tesla Model X because it’s very heavy even though it’s electric? My point here is that there are so many perspectives and priorities that there is no such thing as fair. You can guarantee the system won’t favour fun cars.

Finally it’s the cheap fuel idea. At a glance it’s brilliant for people like us. If we could continue to biff around in old, fun, untracked cars taking advantage of dirt-cheap unleaded then I’m all for it, but is it really likely to happen when such a move would kill the electric car market overnight? Who would want to pay £5000-£10,000 extra for an EV or hybrid if fuel prices were reduced to a third of what they are now?

Would a government really leave that decision in the hands of the people? Dream on. You could expect higher roads pricing charges for the older, non-electrified cars we love, and so the cycle of misery would be complete. There would be no way for us to win; no way for us to regularly enjoy great cars without paying through the nose. If such an idea is seriously put on the table, we should all do everything we can to fight it.

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Road tax lol. More like “our cops need a few more Bentleys” tax …

07/23/2017 - 10:44 |
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Tomislav Celić

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


07/23/2017 - 10:59 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

more like the “our cops desperately need to fulfill their obsession of donuts” tax.

07/25/2017 - 18:39 |
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Ali Mahfooz

Anyone remember when Obama was the president, the government thought of doing the same thing in US? It didn’t go down well. If the government sees their own people as consumers, then you’re not running a country, you’re running a business. It is alright if the tax people are paying is converted to reduce pollution and ease congestion. But putting more public transport on the road?? That’s the last thing anyone wants. I want to know how many people actually use the bus. Honestly, how can the government expect their citizens to enjoy the city/country when all their hard earned money is spent on just on maximizing use of public transport? It’s no wonder the younger generation who live in the cities have little to no interest in cars.

07/23/2017 - 11:11 |
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I’m the younger generation, and I grew up in an almost suburban area and I’ve been obsessed with cars since before I could talk.

Though I do definitely agree, most people my age could literally not possibly car less about cars, much less afford them, with college and rent and student loans all sorts of crap.

07/25/2017 - 18:36 |
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Come move to Freedom Land if they pass this. 🇺🇸

07/23/2017 - 11:13 |
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So how would this work with the rally car? How do they price driving sideways thru a forest?

07/23/2017 - 11:16 |
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What an awful idea, I wouldn’t expect anything better from the UK government.

07/23/2017 - 11:49 |
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Extreme Daniel

What if you’d drive everywhere in reverse? get like 500-1000 every year?

07/23/2017 - 12:36 |
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Here’s a crazy idea…

Forget tax and road pricing, just put all the duty on fuel.
That way, the more you drive, the more you use, the more you pay. Efficient cars would save money unless they do crazy high miles, and “gas guzzlers” would pay more unless they are used occasionally

That way, the people who clog up the roads doing silly miles will be the ones paying, and the ones who take the sports car out for the occasional spin wont get unreasonably ripped off for the privellage

07/23/2017 - 12:44 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

That’s all well and good, but what about the elderly living on their state pension of £122 a week can barely pay for heating in the winter etc, and now that £30 tank of fuel (rough cost for a supermini class car) has just jumped up to £60 (I know theres no fact behind this price) and then this price can be further effected by the fluctuation of oil prices my own car going up £10 in the past few months for a full tank, so now it’s £70 just to travel about, to the shops and see family, pay bills £50 won’t last you long especially the cost of food now (and that’s me saying the price of food and I don’t buy from supermarkets because they’re a rip off).

07/23/2017 - 21:16 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Also what about lorry drivers I’d say a lot of the long haulers would do 400 miles a day in England, and lorrys aren’t exactly the most economical as well as it’s not a very profitable business (unless you’re one of the massive companies) I wouldn’t want to fuel a V12 Scania for 400 miles a day.

07/23/2017 - 21:20 |
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I’m not seeing why this is such a bad idea. If anything I see it as good.
So lets say I’m driving a light weight fun car like a Miata or MR2 or something.
If I pay less for having a light car I would benefit.
If I pay less for driving on country roads (where these cars are best enjoyed) I would benefit.
If fuel costs less I would also benefit.

Yeah I guess if your’e driving a heavy car in the city all the time then you would suffer.

I’m probably not understanding something here so can someone tell me why its so bad for car enthusiasts?
Oh and another question, how much does it even cost per mile? I mean If the total cost is going to be about the same as what you already pay then It cant be that bad right?

07/23/2017 - 12:49 |
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07/23/2017 - 12:50 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

You can also learn more information by looking at the FAQs, precisely at the part that says off-topic links are forbidden Qian Li Nissan 420sx Mr.PurpleV12 Szymek Slusarczyk

07/23/2017 - 14:10 |
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And here I am in France, still not paying an annual road tax.

07/23/2017 - 13:59 |
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