Here's Why You Don't Mess With An Angry Ferrari Driver

Did you just prang an expensive Ferrari with your cheapo Volkswagen? Don't run away...

What's the first thing you do upon rear-ending a Ferrari? Produce excrement? Apologise profusely? One Volkswagen owner in the Netherlands decided to neither, and instead turned to berating the Ferrari driver for ruining €500 worth of audio equipment he had installed in his turdmobile. That's nil for logic, and minus one for humanity.

After attempting to run away from the dispatched police, the VW idiot then ran into trouble. And when I say trouble, I mean a fist of fury. Yes, the Fezza owner decided he'd had enough and went to seal the deal.

The full transcript courtesy of a Dutch car-washing assistant who oversaw the accident is below:

(I work at a car wash that often sees high-end vehicles such as Ferraris. In fact, we get so much people staring that we’d actually had to change our exit to the road as people always bunched up around the cars making exiting difficult. The exit is very well signed, with big white lines being drawn; not a single accident has happened. However, one day, someone in a very banged-up Volkswagen wants to save time by driving into the exit so he could get to the pump quicker, but drives straight into a brand new Ferrari.)

Volkswagen Driver: “My car! Look at what you have done to my car!”

Ferrari Driver: “Pardon me?!”

Volkswagen Driver: “Look at what you have done to my car with your s*** Lamborghini!”

Ferrari Driver: “First of all, this is a Ferrari. Secondly, I honestly can’t tell if the big dent in your car was there to begin with or not. Judging by the state of your vehicle, it must have been. But, seeing how you have damaged my vehicle, we are going to have a problem.”

Volkswagen Driver: “Pssh. Your car isn’t worth half of mine! See the audio equipment in my baby, buddy? 500 Euros!”

(The Ferrari driver gets on his phone as the Volkswagen driver continues to rant about how that ‘piece of s*** Porsche’ ruined his car. Sure enough, the police arrive and take statements. Once they take the Ferrari owner’s statement and review our security footage, the Volkswagen driver is blamed.)

Volkswagen Driver: “F*** you, a**holes!” I’m not going to pay for that wreck!”

Police Officer: “You certainly are, but we’ll discuss that on the station.”

Volkswagen Driver: “Why?!”

Police Officer: “Well, to start with, you’ve given us false details. Following that, you caused an accident and refused to settle this correctly whilst clearly being to blame. Following that, we have done a check on your vehicle and it’s uninsured. Also, you don’t have a licence and you’re wanted for two hit and runs.”

(At that moment the Volkswagen driver starts to run. His mistake is trying to run past the Ferrari driver, who has been calm and collected through the whole ordeal. Without a single second thought, the Ferrari driver takes a swing at the Volkswagen driver; who gets hit in the stomach and collapses for the police officers to arrest him. We learn that the Volkswagen driver was put in jail for four years for various offences, while the Ferrari driver was let off with a warning.)

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