How Do You Rate The Grand Tour’s First Two Episodes Out Of 10?

The Grand Tour's first two episodes were very different from one another, but what did you think of them? Get voting!
How Do You Rate The Grand Tour’s First Two Episodes Out Of 10?

We’re now two episodes in on the The Grand Tour’s debut series, with two very different installments offered. We’ve had some idea of what you guys think so far on our discussion threads, but we want to know how you rate the two episodes we’ve seen.

Mull it over, and get voting in the polls below!

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I somehow like the American, why does nobody like him? he is not as good as the Stig and his cousins but he is good in a different way

11/27/2016 - 11:32 |
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I don’t think that the 2nd episode is bad at all tho. Also, I really prefer the Murican over The Stig. (hate incoming)

11/27/2016 - 14:44 |
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The first episode was “so-so”. Second one was like watching Teletubbies. Same scene is repeated again and again. It felt stretched. It felt boring. I miss old top gear style, like introduction of Ford Fiesta with race over shopping mall.

11/27/2016 - 15:28 |
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We need more cars!

11/27/2016 - 16:34 |
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“Hello everyoneShow two of the Grand Tour is very car light. And that happens again in the Barbados film later in the series.We do this on purpose to entertain the countless people who invariably say, when I sit next to them at a party, “I like your show but why do you put cars on it? – Jeremy Clarkson,”

11/27/2016 - 16:51 |
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Griffin Mackenzie

Ambitious but rubbish

11/27/2016 - 21:08 |
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How Do You Rate The Grand Tour’s First Two Episodes Out Of 10?
Kanye South

was i the only one who couldn’t hear episode 2?

11/28/2016 - 01:04 |
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Toni 1


11/28/2016 - 01:49 |
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Laps will be much faster without fat ass american in the car..

11/28/2016 - 05:56 |
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Sean Harrison

2nd episode was silly and pointlesa

11/28/2016 - 09:32 |
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