How You Reacted To The 'Stupid Kids Brazenly Gatecrash A Live Race Track' Video
A video as controversial as cocky kids gatecrashing a race triggered these reactions from every self-respecting petrolhead across the globe
In case you missed one of the weekend’s most controversial videos, here it is….
And now, for your reactions…
After reading the headline, you simply had to make yourself more comfortable

Which was wise, because your first emotion was anger

Every British car guy felt shame after realising that this was a RHD car...

...which turned to more shame after hearing the way they talk

After five seconds, you turned down the volume to fend off a migraine

You felt stupid watching these kids, but couldn't switch off

Despite your anger with them, you can't quite believe that they pulled it off

You then scrolled down to the comments' section to see just how angry some people were

You then shared the video on Facebook, which attracted at least three Likes

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