I Bought a $45,000 Aston Martin With an Unlimited Mileage Warranty
Well, people of CarThrottle, the day is here: I’ve purchased a 2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage. And not just any 2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage, but one that came with a full bumper-to-bumper warranty with unlimited mileage. The best part: this car only cost $45,500.
Well, people of CarThrottle, the day is here: I’ve purchased a 2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage. And not just any 2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage, but one that came with a full bumper-to-bumper warranty with unlimited mileage. The best part: this car only cost $45,500. For more, check out the video above, or read the column over on Jalopnik.
This was so unexpected! Lol. Really looking forward to see reviews of your new car. Congratulations!
Yes I didn’t see that coming either!
Thanks!! I think it’ll be fun — and interesting. And potentially very frustrating!
A little better than the Fiat Multipla, I’ll give you that! Congrats on the Aston!
Wow! You have sublime taste, sir!
I fear the CarMax story will repeat once more. Is buying British cars with bumper-to-bumper warranty your new hobby?
Hah — it was a coincidence. I was browsing Autotrader one night and came across the “Aston Martin Assured Programme.” Uh, yes please?
yessss yesssss yaaaaaaaaasssss i suggested this car but my comment didn’t get any uppvotes so i taught well he is probably not gonna buy this but you did. And a manual too props to you!!!!
I am not trying to hate, but if you have a profile picture you get more attention.
Was not expecting him to get an aston, this is an excellent used car choice.
Must feel nice to own a Ford fusion with two doors.
Must feel nice to be jealous
Needs more MSO Cerulean Blue with Bumbper to bumper unlimited mile warranty
awesome! i made a post not too long ago about wanting a used aston after i found out i can get one just like this for under $50k….i’m still considering it!…beautiful car brotha, good luck with her!
Will u drive it over a pt cruiser like u did with he hummer? :D
I know officially hate the sentence “ Bumper to Bumper Unlimited Mile warranty “ because of how many times it was said in this video, good choice though.
Nah, I know, but I had to drive the point home. Otherwise I’ll be getting comments like “So wait is the radio covered?” and I’ll want to eat off my own lips.
Either he is a moron or Aston martins just depreciate really fast