I met Alex and Ethan at the Nurburgring and...

As I’m sure you know on the 29th of April Car Throttle hosted their second meet at the Nurburgring, as a big fan of what Car Throttle is all about it I had to make it.

As I’m sure you know on the 29th of April Car Throttle hosted their second meet at the Nurburgring, as a big fan of what Car Throttle is all about it I had to make it. Having been to the Nurburgring once before and experienced the pull of the Green Hell I had to share it, so invited my dad (big petrol head) to come along for the 14 hour drive from the North of England..

This blog post will not be specifically about the Nurburgring meet however more the Car Throttle staff…

I am personally massively into cars as you would expect, however I do also have a big interest in video editing, so when I got to meet Alex and Ethan I had to pick their brain on a few things….

Early on the day of the meet I met Alex and Ethan at Ring Garage where I was staying (Big shout out to Boosted Boris), I got talking for a little while to Alex about Phil the Mx5 which he had road tripped from the UK to be at the ring. Alex showed me all the modifications to the car which we have all seen on the CT Youtube channel, I must say Phil is one cool little car full of character. I managed sit in the driver’s seat of and was surprised to discover that I actually fit, being over 6 foot 2” I had always presumed my head would stick far above the windscreen…

Throughout the day I chat to to Alex and Ethan, at the VLN practice Ethan was doing some filming of my lap in the Cayman which I won as part of a competition on CarThrottle (in conjunction with Boosted Boris). After having dinner the bizarre day got even more… well.. Bizarre! Around 50 of us took a track walk on the Nurburgring itself which was pretty special. Also managed to spend a good half an hour or so speaking to Sam from SeenThroughGlass about his channel and cars in general, cool guy. .

In summary the day was awesome, not just because of the insane cars but because of the people. Alex and Ethan are true gents and a pleasure to be in the company of. Big thanks to all the staff and Car Throttle as a whole for being such an awesome community!

Check out my video of the 2016 Car Throttle Nurburgring Meet

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05/17/2016 - 19:01 |
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