Idiot Road-Blocker Exits His Car While In Reverse, Gets Knocked Over, Blames Another Driver
"Malabar, NSW. I was waiting for my insurance claim to go through in case the guy disputed. And before anyone asks why I didn't just go around, it's double lines around a blind corner..." Thanks to Sean Get $10 off any dash cam purchase with Coupon Code "DCOAFB"
Posted by Dash Cam Owners Australia on Sunday, October 22, 2017
What do you do when you’re stupid enough to get out of a car on a hill while it’s still in reverse, causing the car to spring backwards, knocking you over? That’s right: blame the stationary car behind you.
The portly gent in this footage hosted on the wonderful Dash Cam Owners Australia Facebook page has stopped his Honda CR-V in the road, double-parking perhaps while waiting for a parking space. Nonetheless, he’s blocking the road. He has no indicator on; nothing to give people a clue as to what he’s doing.

Traffic has to squeeze past him ahead of the camera car, despite road markings showing it’s illegal. Then the driver decides to pull away – before stopping again. The camera car gives a horn blast full of WTF, Bruce, at which point the idiot leaps out of the CR-V while it’s still in reverse. He knocks himself flying, is frankly lucky not to be squashed under a wheel and then, after his car smashes into the front of the camera car, blames the guy in the latter.
Sorry, mate, that one doesn’t compute. I’m sure the dashcam footage was very helpful to the insurance companies involved.
This is definitely one of the most ridiculous ‘minor accidents’ I have ever heard of.
Man, I’m starting to think Society is doomed….
Every drivers worst nightmare:
Not the first time that’s happened
Meanwhile in Australia……
Deadly Neurotoxin causes minor accident,driver found knocked off from car
‘Minor accident’. Jeez, Australia must have some pretty different standards for scales of accidents.
I hate to say this, but I guess Darwin’s Natural Selection theory did not really work on this guy.
Then again it doesn’t exactly apply to humans at all
But if natural selection worked perfectly, how do you explain The Donald?
Smart man , that Darwin.
And this kids is why you should have a dashcam.
What was this road blocker trying?
An Insurance Scam Fail, and to be featured on GasKings?
I hope GasKings makes an entire video on this guy. He deserves it.
What a c*nt.
His IQ be like : Right click> Delete.