If You Cycle On The Pavement, Expect To Get Knocked Out

Cycling on the pavement is always a bad idea. Not only will you anger pedestrians, you're likely to get knocked out too...

Cyclist knocked out by signpost

Us drivers - by and large - dislike cyclists. They're slow, sometimes difficult to overtake and they occasionally troll supercars.


Equally, cyclists dislike motorists. We sometimes don't give them enough room on the roads and have been known to bully.

The simple solution? Get the cyclists off our roads and let them share the pavements with pedestrians. Wrong. Not only will you endanger pedestrians, you're also at risk - if you don't pay attention - of getting knocked out.

This cyclist demonstrates the problem. When coming up to the zebra crossing on what looks like a pedestrian-only pavement, he doesn't see the give way sign and plows straight into it, which knocks him out cold. Luckily, the driver behind the dash cam helps the poor guy out - good guy driver!


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