If You Try To Cut In Front Of The President's Motorcade, You're Gonna Have A Bad Time
Despite a verbal warning from police, this cyclist headed straight into the path of President Obama's incoming motorcade in New York, leading to a tackling from police
The rider - who was on one of New York City’s ‘Citi Bike’ hire bicycles - was given a summons for disorderly conduct after this incident on the intersection of 50th Street and Park Avenue. US President Barack Obama was on his way to the filming of the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
Was that level of aggression really needed? Jesus christ America is really on their toes, or cops just really want to beat the hell out of someone.
you realize how close that was to the motorcade right?
Like seriously
Snowcat would approve
Thats some grade A retardedness.He got away quite lucky-
To be fair there weren’t any barriers or tape between the police vans.
About a few weeks ago during Obama’s visit in Hanoi…
Wow, times have changed. About 5 years ago I was pulled over on the FDR for what I thought was weaving through traffic. Turns out I was actually unknowlingly flying up on the Obama motorcade that was about 3 exits in front of me. All I got after being informed of my mistake and held on the side of the FDR for about 15 minites was a warning not to be so stupid next time.
but someone coming out of nowhere right in from of the motorcade is understandably gonna raise some red flags
The presidents presence was irrelevant I think. Peddling around on a bike? Ha! Get him boys!
i love seeing such formations !
He didn’t even have time to react, wtf?