Everyone is gonna be trying to buy a drift car like:
That black s13 looks like mine unless…
This has to be one of the most well filmed shorts I’ve seen in a while
That V12 sound , damn
wow! i can watch this all day long
F**k Holy trinity!!! …. this is so damn good!!
Is it just me or does this look more like a commercial for lamborghini and ford, than a promotional of how good those two can drift. Because I seen better angles, smaller distances between the cars with much cheaper drift cars. Decorations and the area of the video was more impressive than the drift itself. If you gonna say I am a hater and I don’t even drift, than you are right I don’t know how to drift, just trying to leave my opinion about this video.
Love the sound of that V12!
Epic!But,why there was a Russian building?
It’s not rare to see russian architecture in Russia
I will always prefer the sound of V8
Everyone is gonna be trying to buy a drift car like:
That black s13 looks like mine unless…
This has to be one of the most well filmed shorts I’ve seen in a while
That V12 sound , damn
wow! i can watch this all day long
F**k Holy trinity!!! …. this is so damn good!!
Is it just me or does this look more like a commercial for lamborghini and ford, than a promotional of how good those two can drift.
Because I seen better angles, smaller distances between the cars with much cheaper drift cars. Decorations and the area of the video was more impressive than the drift itself.
If you gonna say I am a hater and I don’t even drift, than you are right I don’t know how to drift, just trying to leave my opinion about this video.
Love the sound of that V12!
Epic!But,why there was a Russian building?
It’s not rare to see russian architecture in Russia