It's out! Watch Ken Block go mad in #GymkhanaEIGHT, Dubai style.

We’ve been waiting for over a week for this amazing Gymkhana video and oh boy does it deliver!

We’ve been waiting for over a week for this amazing Gymkhana video and oh boy does it deliver! Drift in a Dubai Police formed square, drag racing with overly expensive vehicles, sliding under an airplane, just like I used to do in Grand Theft Auto and the best of them all, the annoncement of #GymkhanaNINE, featuring the Ford Focus RS RX!

What do you think about Ken Block’s latest video?

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Am I the only one bored of these now? First few were great, yeah drifting here, donut there and a few slow mo shots for good measure.

03/01/2016 - 12:13 |
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Some people don’t appreciate him, but give the man credit, he can make a darn good Youtube video.

03/01/2016 - 12:45 |
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Mazda Fanatic

Is no one going to talk about Blocks new focus gymkhana car at the end of the video?ok i’ll start: it looks a little too long. Remove the rear doors and shorten it a bit and the car would look fantastic

03/01/2016 - 13:20 |
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Andrés Cely Herazo

Seeing all those supercars there made me think: Why don’t you all do the same with him?

03/01/2016 - 13:22 |
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I was waiting for him to loose control of the Fiesta xD is that wrong?

03/01/2016 - 16:40 |
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Now THIS is advertising I’m ok to watch. And will watch it over and over again

03/01/2016 - 14:00 |
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It was kind of blend and boring.

03/01/2016 - 14:43 |
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Hey! I’ve been there

03/01/2016 - 17:56 |
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Kinda nice to see a return to rally start in the start after the Hoonicorn video. And the dude knows how make some quality entertainment.

03/01/2016 - 21:47 |
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Was waiting for the lykan and veyron police car

03/02/2016 - 00:05 |
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Live fast die young…

03/02/2016 - 00:06 |
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