James May Reckons He And Clarkson Will Be "Too Old" To Make The Grand Tour In Five Years

Any Top Gear/Grand Tour fan must have had this thought in the back of their head at some point: how long can the trio realistically continue? Will Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May still be making car films in 10 years or more? Perhaps not, judging by recent comments from May.
Speaking to the Radio Times, the 53-year-old said: “We have to accept that fairly soon we will be too old for it. Richard Hammond is a reasonably fit bloke who looks after himself, me and Jeremy aren’t.”
He added: “Jeremy is particularly decrepit and I find growing within me…a much stronger, nesty sort of instinct. Within the next five years I don’t want to be fart-arsing around.”

Given the demands of filming around the world and the “fart-arsing around” May speaks of, you’d have to say fair enough to that. At 46 Richard Hammond is 10 years younger than the eldest of the trio - Clarkson - and as May alluded, not quite so unfit and “decrepit”.
So, if Clarkson and May did ‘retire’ in five year’s time, would that effectively end The Grand Tour? Could it still continue with Hammond and a pair of replacements for the other two? There is of course the possibility that the elder pair would continue to create studio-based segments, leaving Hammond and perhaps a couple others (Rory Reid and Chris Harris poached from Top Gear, perhaps?) to be sent out to do the more intensive stuff.
Or perhaps the duo will continue for many years more, rendering all that extreme speculation pointless. What do you think?
Surely they could get themselves in better shape, cut out the smoking etc. if they really wanted to carry on. Seems like a small sacrifice to carry on doing the best jobs…in the world
You dont get the joke
Their replacement better be old and very British