That moment when you realise that clarkson also loves Phil Collins
Perfect loops don’t exi——-
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You can play any song and Alex dances perfectly to it!
You can play any song and Alex dances perfectly to it!
You can play any song and Alex dances perfectly to it!
come on Dan.. really? Dan..
FFS Dan!
Come on graham?
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“We will be sleeping in very expensive hotels”. But isn’t the new tent going to be huge?
sarcasm brah
Hes gonna build a tent, and it will be yuge. Also, he will make the BBC pay for it
Better have good ac or another producer is gonna catch those hands.
I’ve never seen a roasted graham cracker before
I believe this will help with the visual aspect, which in my opinion still looks quite tasty.
Most underrated comment of 2016
this has to be top comment, plz.
“We only had a problem in Argentina. And we can solve that by not going back.”
Shame. Argentina has so much potential for a car show. However it’s not just Clarkson that represents the problem, it’s not even the brits in general, it was all due to a “car” blog that made an assumption about the Porsche’s license plate. And argies usually make a big mess out of nothing, such as this or cab drivers attacking people they “think” drive for Uber.
Seriously Dan?
That moment when you realise that clarkson also loves Phil Collins
Perfect loops don’t exi——-
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You can play any song and Alex dances perfectly to it!
You can play any song and Alex dances perfectly to it!
You can play any song and Alex dances perfectly to it!
come on Dan.. really? Dan..
FFS Dan!
Come on graham?
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“We will be sleeping in very expensive hotels”. But isn’t the new tent going to be huge?
sarcasm brah
Hes gonna build a tent, and it will be yuge. Also, he will make the BBC pay for it
Better have good ac or another producer is gonna catch those hands.
I’ve never seen a roasted graham cracker before
I believe this will help with the visual aspect, which in my opinion still looks quite tasty.
Most underrated comment of 2016
this has to be top comment, plz.
“We only had a problem in Argentina. And we can solve that by not going back.”
Shame. Argentina has so much potential for a car show. However it’s not just Clarkson that represents the problem, it’s not even the brits in general, it was all due to a “car” blog that made an assumption about the Porsche’s license plate. And argies usually make a big mess out of nothing, such as this or cab drivers attacking people they “think” drive for Uber.
Gee, this country will never get straight